Andriy Melnyk, Андрій Мельник, A. Melnyk, A.Melnyk, Melnyk A., Мельник Андрій, Мельник А.М., А.М
Andriy Melnyk, Андрій Мельник, A. Melnyk, A.Melnyk, Melnyk A., Мельник Андрій, Мельник А.М., А.М
WUNU, Professor of Computer Science
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Method for detection of non-relevant and wrong information based on content analysis of web resources
A Kovbasistyi, A Melnyk, M Dyvak, V Brych, I Spivak
2017 XIIIth International Conference on Perspective Technologies and Methods …, 2017
Rabin's modified method of encryption using various forms of system of residual classes
M Kasianchuk, I Yakymenko, I Pazdriy, A Melnyk, S Ivasiev
2017 14th international conference the experience of designing and …, 2017
Selection the “Saturated” block from interval system of linear algebraic equations for recurrent laryngeal nerve identification
M Dyvak, A Pukas, I Oliynyk, A Melnyk
2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018
Mathematical modeling of the estimation process of functioning efficiency level of information web-resources
M Dyvak, A Melnyk, A Kovbasistyi, R Shevchuk, O Huhul, V Tymchyshyn
2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2020
Ontology of mathematical modeling based on interval data
M Dyvak, A Melnyk, A Rot, M Hernes, A Pukas
Complexity 2022 (1), 8062969, 2022
Recognition of Relevance of Web Resource Content Based on Analysis of Semantic Components
M Dyvak, A Kovbasistyi, A Melnyk, I Shcherbiak, O Huhul
2019 9th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2019
Method of adaptive control structure learning based on model of test's complexity
R Pasichnyk, A Melnyk, N Pasichnyk, I Turchenko
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data …, 2011
Realization of RSA cryptographic algorithm based on vector-module method of modular exponention
IZ Yakymenko, MM Kasianchuk, SV Ivasiev, AM Melnyk, YM Nykolaichuk
2018 14th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelecrtronics …, 2018
Individual learning path building on knowledge-based approach
T Lendyuk, A Melnyk, S Rippa, I Golyash, S Shandruk
2015 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and …, 2015
Modeling of cognitive processes for bio-technical systems
R Pasichnyk, A Melnyk
2008 International Conference on" Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2008
Modeling Based on the Analysis of Interval Data of Atmospheric Air Pollution Processes with Nitrogen Dioxide due to the Spread of Vehicle Exhaust Gases
M Dyvak, I Spivak, A Melnyk, V Manzhula, T Dyvak, A Rot, M Hernes
Sustainability 15 (3), 2163, 2023
An ontological approach to detecting fake news in online media
S Mazepa, S Banakh, A Melnyk, S Pugach, O Yavorska, N Golota
2021 11th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2021
Software for automatic estimating security settings of social media accounts
R Shevchuk, A Melnyk, O Opalko, H Shevchuk
2020 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2020
Modeling of effective studies in adaptive educational systems
R Pasichnyk, A Melnyk
2009 10th International Conference-The Experience of Designing and …, 2009
Concept model of resources accumulation and operational management in biotechnology, biomedical and Web information systems
P Roman, P Natalia, M Andrij, S Iryna
The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in …, 2015
Management the website attendance based on the projected traffic
N Pasichnyk, A Melnyk, N Dobrovolska
2013 12th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and …, 2013
Продуктивність сортів пшениці озимої залежно від строків сівби в умовах північної частини лівобережного Лісостепу України
АВ Мельник, МГ Собко, ОО Дубовик
Scientific Progress & Innovations, 3-9, 2014
System of semantic classes for test's generation
A Melnyk, R Pasichnyk
2010 International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2010
Software architecture for mathematical modelling based on interval and ontology approach
A Melnyk, I Shcherbiak, R Shevchuk, A Shevchuk, O Huhul, Y Franko
2022 12th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information …, 2022
Метод генерації тестових завдань на основі системи семантичних класів
А Мельник, Р Пасічник
Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя, 2010
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