Constantino Antonio García Martínez
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Heart rate variability analysis with the R package RHRV
CAG Martínez, AO Quintana, XA Vila, MJL Touriño, L Rodríguez-Liñares, ...
Springer International Publishing 10, 978-3, 2017
Arrhythmia classification from the abductive interpretation of short single-lead ECG records
T Teijeiro, CA García, D Castro, P Félix
2017 Computing in cardiology (cinc), 1-4, 2017
Abductive reasoning as a basis to reproduce expert criteria in ECG atrial fibrillation identification
T Teijeiro, CA García, D Castro, P Félix
Physiological measurement 39 (8), 084006, 2018
nonlinearTseries: Nonlinear time series analysis
CA Garcia, G Sawitzki
R package version 0.2 3, 2015
A new algorithm for wavelet-based heart rate variability analysis
CA García, A Otero, X Vila, DG Márquez
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 8 (6), 542-550, 2013
Nonparametric estimation of stochastic differential equations with sparse Gaussian processes
CA Garcia, A Otero, P Felix, J Presedo, DG Marquez
Physical Review E 96 (2), 022104, 2017
Multiple physiological signals fusion techniques for improving heartbeat detection: A review
J Tejedor, CA García, DG Márquez, R Raya, A Otero
Sensors 19 (21), 4708, 2019
A novel and simple strategy for evolving prototype based clustering
DG Márquez, A Otero, P Félix, CA García
Pattern Recognition 82, 16-30, 2018
Probabilistic metabolite annotation using retention time prediction and meta-learned projections
CA García, A Gil-de-la-Fuente, C Barbas, A Otero
Journal of Cheminformatics 14 (1), 33, 2022
RHRV: heart rate variability analysis of ECG data
L Rodriguez-Linares, X Vila, MJ Lado, A Mendez, A Otero, CA Garcia
R package version 4 (5), 2019
Arrhythmia classification from the abductive interpretation of short single-lead ecg records. In 2017 Computing in Cardiology (CinC)
T Teijeiro, CA García, D Castro, P Félix
IEEE, 2017
nonlinearTseries: nonlinear time series analysis. R package version 0.2. 10
CA Garcia
Flexible workflows for on-the-fly electron-microscopy single-particle image processing using Scipion
D Maluenda, T Majtner, P Horváth, JL Vilas, A Jiménez-Moreno, J Mota, ...
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology 75 (10), 882-894, 2019
A software toolkit for nonlinear Heart Rate Variability analysis
CA García, A Otero, J Presedo, X Vila, P Félix
Computing in Cardiology 2013, 393-396, 2013
A study on the representation of QRS complexes with the optimum number of Hermite functions
DG Márquez, A Otero, CA García, J Presedo
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 22, 11-18, 2015
NonlinearTseries: nonlinear time series analysis (2018)
CA Garcia
URL https://CRAN. R-project. org/package= nonlinearTseries. R package …, 0
A fault-tolerant clustering algorithm for processing data from multiple streams
A Otero, P Félix, DG Márquez, CA García, G Caffarena
Information Sciences 584, 649-664, 2022
Positive and negative evidence accumulation clustering for sensor fusion: An application to heartbeat clustering
DG Márquez, P Félix, CA García, J Tejedor, ALN Fred, A Otero
Sensors 19 (21), 4635, 2019
RHRV: Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data. R package version 4.2. 6
L Rodriguez-Linares, X Vila, MJ Lado, A Mendez, A Otero, CA Garcia
On the accuracy of representing heartbeats with hermite basis functions
DG Márquez, A Otero, P Félix, CA García
International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing 2 …, 2013
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