T. Hoder
T. Hoder
Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic
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Zitiert von
The simplest equivalent circuit of a pulsed dielectric barrier discharge and the determination of the gas gap charge transfer
AV Pipa, J Koskulics, R Brandenburg, T Hoder
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (11), 2012
Experimental determination of dielectric barrier discharge capacitance
AV Pipa, T Hoder, J Koskulics, M Schmidt, R Brandenburg
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (7), 2012
State-by-state emission spectra fitting for non-equilibrium plasmas: OH spectra of surface barrier discharge at argon/water interface
J Voráč, P Synek, V Procházka, T Hoder
Journal of physics D: applied physics 50 (29), 294002, 2017
A comparative study of three different types of barrier discharges in air at atmospheric pressure by cross-correlation spectroscopy
T Hoder, R Brandenburg, R Basner, KD Weltmann, KV Kozlov, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (12), 124009, 2010
Breakdown characteristics in pulsed-driven dielectric barrier discharges: influence of the pre-breakdown phase due to volume memory effects
H Höft, M Kettlitz, MM Becker, T Hoder, D Loffhagen, R Brandenburg, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 47 (46), 465206, 2014
On the spatio-temporal development of pulsed barrier discharges: influence of duty cycle variation
M Kettlitz, H Höft, T Hoder, S Reuter, KD Weltmann, R Brandenburg
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (24), 245201, 2012
Investigation of the coplanar barrier discharge in synthetic air at atmospheric pressure by cross-correlation spectroscopy
T Hoder, M Šíra, KV Kozlov, HE Wagner
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (3), 035212, 2008
Electric field determination in air plasmas from intensity ratio of nitrogen spectral bands: I. Sensitivity analysis and uncertainty quantification of dominant processes
A Obrusník, P Bílek, T Hoder, M Šimek, Z Bonaventura
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 27 (8), 085013, 2018
Analysis of microdischarges in asymmetric dielectric barrier discharges in argon
MM Becker, T Hoder, R Brandenburg, D Loffhagen
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (35), 355203, 2013
Volume effects of atmospheric-pressure plasma in liquids
K Oehmigen, T Hoder, C Wilke, R Brandenburg, M Hahnel, KD Weltmann, ...
IEEE Transactions on plasma science 39 (11), 2646-2647, 2011
Novel insights into the development of barrier discharges by advanced volume and surface diagnostics
R Brandenburg, M Bogaczyk, H Höft, S Nemschokmichal, R Tschiersch, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (46), 464015, 2013
Streamer breakdown: cathode spot formation, Trichel pulses and cathode-sheath instabilities
M Černák, T Hoder, Z Bonaventura
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 29 (1), 013001, 2019
Sub-nanosecond delays of light emitted by streamer in atmospheric pressure air: analysis of N2 (C3Πu) and N2+ (B2Σu+) emissions and fundamental streamer structure
T Hoder, Z Bonaventura, A Bourdon, M Šimek
Journal of Applied Physics 117 (7), 2015
Barrier discharges driven by sub-microsecond pulses at atmospheric pressure: Breakdown manipulation by pulse width
T Hoder, H Höft, M Kettlitz, KD Weltmann, R Brandenburg
Physics of Plasmas 19 (7), 2012
High-resolution measurements of the electric field at the streamer arrival to the cathode: A unification of the streamer-initiated gas-breakdown mechanism
T Hoder, M Černák, J Paillol, D Loffhagen, R Brandenburg
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012
Comparison of sinusoidal and pulsed-operated dielectric barrier discharges in an O2/N2 mixture at atmospheric pressure
M Kettlitz, H Höft, T Hoder, KD Weltmann, R Brandenburg
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 22 (2), 025003, 2013
Plasma-liquid interactions: chemistry and antimicrobial effects
T von Woedtke, K Oehmigen, R Brandenburg, T Hoder, C Wilke, ...
Plasma for bio-decontamination, medicine and food security, 67-78, 2012
The influence of O2 content on the spatio-temporal development of pulsed driven dielectric barrier discharges in O2/N2 gas mixtures
H Höft, M Kettlitz, T Hoder, KD Weltmann, R Brandenburg
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (9), 095202, 2013
Analysis of the electric field development and the relaxation of electron velocity distribution function for nanosecond breakdown in air
T Hoder, D Loffhagen, J Voráč, MM Becker, R Brandenburg
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (2), 025017, 2016
Radially and temporally resolved electric field of positive streamers in air and modelling of the induced plasma chemistry
T Hoder, M Šimek, Z Bonaventura, V Prukner, FJ Gordillo-Vázquez
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (4), 045021, 2016
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