Juan Villegas Cortez
Juan Villegas Cortez
Profesor investigador, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco. Cd de Mexico
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Coarse-fine convolutional deep-learning strategy for human activity recognition
C Avilés-Cruz, A Ferreyra-Ramírez, A Zúñiga-López, J Villegas-Cortéz
Sensors 19 (7), 1556, 2019
Self organizing natural scene image retrieval
JF Serrano-Talamantes, C Aviles-Cruz, J Villegas-Cortez, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (7), 2398-2409, 2013
A smartphone‐based augmented reality system for university students for learning digital electronics
C Avilés‐Cruz, J Villegas‐Cortez
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 27 (3), 615-630, 2019
Granger-causality: An efficient single user movement recognition using a smartphone accelerometer sensor
C Aviles-Cruz, E Rodriguez-Martinez, J Villegas-Cortez, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 125, 576-583, 2019
Face classification by local texture analisys through cbir and surf points
C Benavides, J Villegas, G Román, C Avilés
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (5), 2418-2424, 2016
Power Supply Management for an Electric Vehicle Using Fuzzy Logic
JVC Yolanda Pérez-Pimentel, Ismael Osuna-Galán, Carlos Avilés-Cruz
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 2018, 9, 2018
An improved convolutional neural network architecture for image classification
A Ferreyra-Ramirez, C Avilés-Cruz, E Rodriguez-Martinez, ...
Pattern Recognition: 11th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2019, Querétaro, Mexico …, 2019
ECJ+HADOOP: An Easy Way to Deploy Massive Runs of Evolutionary Algorithms
GR F. Chavez, F. Fernandez, C. Benavides, D. Lanza, J. Villegas, L. Trujillo ...
Applications of Evolutionary Computation LNCS 9598, 91-106, 2016
Unsupervised font clustering using stochastic versio of the em algorithm and global texture analysis
C Avilés-Cruz, J Villegas, R Arechiga-Martínez, R Escarela-Perez
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications: 9th …, 2004
Automatic synthesis of associative memories by genetic programming, a first approach
J Villegas-Cortez, H Sossa, C Aviles-Cruz, G Olague-Caballero
Research in Computing Science. Advances in Computer Science and Engineering …, 2009
Font recognition by invariant moments of global textures
VC Juan, AC Carlos
Proceedings of international workshop VLBV05 (very low bit-rate video-coding …, 2005
Reconocimiento de rostros a partir de la propia imagen usando técnica CBIR
CAC Juan Villegas Cortez, Cesar Benavides Alvarez, Graciela Roman Alonso
X Congreso Español sobre Metaheurísticas, Algoritmos Evolutivos y …, 2015
Monocular Visual Odometry Based Navigation for a Differential Mobile Robot with Android OS
Human-Inspired Computing and Its Applications - Lecture Notes in Computer …, 2014
Implementación de reconocimiento de objetos por color y forma en un robot móvil
CAC Efraín Ernesto Arévalo-Vázquez, Arturo Zúñiga-López, Juan Villegas-Cortez
Research in Computing Science, 21-31, 2015
Optical Music recognition and Deep Learning: An application to 4-part harmony
FF De Vega, J Alvarado, JV Cortez
2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 01-07, 2022
Deploying Massive Runs of Evolutionary Algorithms with ECJ and Hadoop: reducing interest points required for face recognition
GR Francisco Chavez, Francisco Fernandez, Daniel Lanza, Cesar Benavides ...
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2016
EEG pattern recognition: An Efficient improvement combination of ERD/ERS/laterality features to create a self-paced BCI system
C Avilés-Cruz, J Villegas-Cortez, A Ferreyra-Ramírez, AZ López
Mexican Conference on Pattern Recognition, 231-240, 2016
A genetic algorithm applied to content-based image retrieval for natural scenes classification
Y Pérez-Pimentel, I Osuna-Galan, J Villegas-Cortez, C Avilés-Cruz
2014 13th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 155-161, 2014
Automatic synthesis of associative memories through genetic programming: A first co-evolutionary approach
J Villegas-Cortez, G Olague, C Aviles, H Sossa, A Ferreyra
Applications of Evolutionary Computation: EvoApplicatons 2010: EvoCOMPLEX …, 2010
Interest points reduction using evolutionary algorithms and CBIR for face recognition
J Villegas-Cortez, C Benavides-Alvarez, C Avilés-Cruz, G Román-Alonso, ...
The Visual Computer 37 (7), 1883-1897, 2021
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