Youseok Lee
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Determinants of growth and decline in mobile game diffusion
J Yi, Y Lee, SH Kim
Journal of Business Research 99, 363-372, 2019
Do we always adopt Facebook friends’ eWOM postings? The role of social identity and threat
Y Kim, Y Park, Y Lee, K Park
Electronic Word of Mouth as a Promotional Technique, 86-104, 2020
Impact of CSR news reports on firm value
J Seok, Y Lee, BD Kim
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 32 (3), 644-663, 2020
Impact of online information on the diffusion of movies: Focusing on cultural differences
Y Lee, SH Kim, KC Cha
Journal of Business Research 130, 603-609, 2021
A generalized Bass model for predicting the sales patterns of motion pictures having seasonality and herd behavior
Y Lee, SH Kim, KC Cha
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 22 (4), 310-326, 2012
The effects of collaborated character’s image congruence on cosmetic products evaluation: The relative importance of ideal and actual self-image congruence
J Suh, Y Lee, SH Kim
Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 9 (2), 103-115, 2018
시장 수준에서 영화에 대한 기대불일치가 흥행에 미치는 영향
서울대학교 대학원, 2013
Reciprocal relationship between movies and the movie-themed mobile games
Y Lee, J Yi, SH Kim
마케팅연구 35 (2), 39-53, 2020
인터넷 정보 검색 행동과 영화 흥행의 상관관계에 대한 연구
이유석, 차경천, 김상훈
경영학 연구 45 (5), 1501-1526, 2016
From intuition to intelligence: a text mining–based approach for movies' green-lighting process
J Kim, Y Lee, I Song
Internet Research 32 (3), 1003-1022, 2022
Look! don’t let it weigh you down: the effect of visual density on perceived product heaviness and evaluation
Y Choe, Y Lee, HA Chen, SH Kim
Journal of Business Research 126, 35-47, 2021
기업의 사회적 책임 (CSR) 활동에 대한 홍보가 기업가치에 미치는 영향
석준희, 이유석, 고사랑, 김병도
경영학연구 46 (6), 1663-1688, 2017
온라인 구전의 양 (Volume) 과 방향성 (Valence), 그리고 박물관 관람객수의 상관성에 대한 연구
석준희, 이유석, 김병도
마케팅연구 35 (3), 1-23, 2020
Psychological determinants of non-attendees’ resistance toward performing arts
J Yi, Y Lee, J Suh, SH Kim
Journal of Business research 149, 690-699, 2022
배급사의 의사결정이 영화 확산에 미치는 영향: 한국시장의 사례를 중심으로
이유석, 차경천, 김상훈
마케팅연구 32 (3), 25-44, 2017
Exploring the impact of distributor’s decision making on movie diffusion: The case of Korean market
Y Lee, KC Cha, SH Kim
Journal of Korean Marketing Association 32 (3), 25-44, 2017
Effect of Expectation Disconfirmation on the Success of Movies: An Empirical Validation at Market Level
Y Lee, SH Kim
Journal of Korean Marketing Association 28 (1), 45-71, 2013
The diffusion pattern of new products: evidence from the Korean movie industry
Y Lee, SH Kim, KC Cha
Asian Business & Management, 1, 2022
Internet Search Behavior and Box Office Performance
YS Lee, KC Cha, SH Kim
Korean Management Review 45 (5), 1501-1526, 2016
Increasing returns to information and its application to the Korean movie market
SH Kim, YS Lee
Asia Marketing Journal 15 (1), 3, 2013
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