Vladimir Budak
Vladimir Budak
Moscow Power Engineering Institute
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Benchmark results in vector atmospheric radiative transfer
AA Kokhanovsky, VP Budak, C Cornet, M Duan, C Emde, IL Katsev, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 111 (12-13 …, 2010
On the solution of a vectorial radiative transfer equation in an arbitrary three-dimensional turbid medium with anisotropic scattering
VP Budak, SV Korkin
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 109 (2), 220-234, 2008
Stochastic models and numerical solutions for manufacturing/remanufacturing systems with applications to the printer cartridge industry
KA Francie, K Jean-Pierre, D Pierre, S Victor, P Vladimir
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 37, 662-671, 2015
Convergence acceleration of radiative transfer equation solution at strongly anisotropic scattering
VP Budak, DA Klyuykov, SV Korkin
Light Scattering Reviews 5: Single Light Scattering and Radiative Transfer …, 2010
Complete matrix solution of radiative transfer equation for PILE of horizontally homogeneous slabs
VP Budak, DA Klyuykov, SV Korkin
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112 (7), 1141-1148, 2011
Efficiency of algorithm for solution of vector radiative transfer equation in turbid medium slab
VP Budak, DS Efremenko, OV Shagalov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 369 (1), 012021, 2012
Narrow beams in scattering media: the advanced small-angle approximation
YA Ilyushin, VP Budak
JOSA A 28 (7), 1358-1363, 2011
Stochastic optimal control of manufacturing systems under production-dependent failure rates
KA Francie, K Jean-Pierre, D Pierre, S Victor, P Vladimir
International Journal of Production Economics 150, 174-187, 2014
Comparative analysis of radiative transfer approaches for calculation of plane transmittance and diffuse attenuation coefficient of plane-parallel light scattering layers
LG Sokoletsky, VP Budak, F Shen, AA Kokhanovsky
Applied Optics 53 (3), 459-468, 2014
Narrow-beam propagation in a two-dimensional scattering medium
YA Ilyushin, VP Budak
JOSA A 28 (2), 76-81, 2011
Numerical modeling of the radiative transfer in a turbid medium using the synthetic iteration
VP Budak, GA Kaloshin, OV Shagalov, VS Zheltov
Optics Express 23 (15), A829-A840, 2015
A comparison of numerical and analytical radiative-transfer solutions for plane albedo of natural waters
LG Sokoletsky, OV Nikolaeva, VP Budak, LP Bass, RS Lunetta, ...
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 110 (13), 1132-1146, 2009
Analysis of the propagation of the femtosecond laser pulse in the scattering medium
YA Ilyushin, VP Budak
Computer Physics Communications 182 (4), 940-945, 2011
The spatial polarization distribution over the dome of the sky for abnormal irradiance of the atmosphere
VP Budak, SV Korkin
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 109 (8), 1347-1362, 2008
Solution of the radiation transfer equation by the method of spherical harmonics in the small-angle modification
VP Budak, SE Sarmin
Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics 3 (09), 898-903, 1990
Analysis of the discrete theory of radiative transfer in the coupled “ocean–atmosphere” system: Current status, problems and development prospects
VP Afanas’ ev, AY Basov, VP Budak, DS Efremenko, AA Kokhanovsky
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (3), 202, 2020
Boson peak, flickering noise, backscattering processes and radiative transfer in random media
VP Budak, BA Veklenko
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 112 (5), 864-875, 2011
The aerosol influence upon the polarization state of the atmosphere solar radiation
VP Budak, SV Korkin
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (9), 2469-2506, 2008
Solution of the vector radiative transfer equation in the small-angle approximation of the spherical harmonics method
IE Astakhov, VP Budak, DV Lisitsin, VA Selivanov
Atmos Oceanic Opt 7, 398-403, 1994
Relation of instant radiosity method with local estimations of Monte Carlo method
VD Chembaev, VS Zheltov, VP Budak, RS Notfulin
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2016
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