Xin Bi
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Functional brain network classification for Alzheimer’s disease detection with deep features and extreme learning machine
X Bi, X Zhao, H Huang, D Chen, Y Ma
Cognitive Computation 12, 513-527, 2020
XML document classification based on ELM
X Zhao, G Wang, X Bi, P Gong, Y Zhao
Neurocomputing 74 (16), 2444-2451, 0
Boosting question answering over knowledge graph with reward integration and policy evaluation under weak supervision
X Bi, H Nie, G Zhang, L Hu, Y Ma, X Zhao, Y Yuan, G Wang
Information Processing & Management 60 (2), 103242, 2023
Time-series graph network for sea surface temperature prediction
Y Sun, X Yao, X Bi, X Huang, X Zhao, B Qiao
Big Data Research 25, 100237, 2021
Distributed extreme learning machine with kernels based on mapreduce
X Bi, X Zhao, G Wang, P Zhang, C Wang
Neurocomputing 149, 456-463, 2015
Types and occurrence time of rockbursts in tunnel affected by geological conditions and drilling & blasting procedures
W Niu, XT Feng, Z Yao, X Bi, C Yang, L Hu, W Zhang
Engineering Geology 303, 106671, 2022
Unrestricted multi-hop reasoning network for interpretable question answering over knowledge graph
X Bi, H Nie, X Zhang, X Zhao, Y Yuan, G Wang
Knowledge-Based Systems 243, 108515, 2022
Explainable time–frequency convolutional neural network for microseismic waveform classification
X Bi, C Zhang, Y He, X Zhao, Y Sun, Y Ma
Information Sciences 546, 883-896, 2021
An arrival time picker for microseismic rock fracturing waveforms and its quality control for automatic localization in tunnels
W Zhang, XT Feng, X Bi, ZB Yao, YX Xiao, L Hu, WJ Niu, GL Feng
Computers and Geotechnics 135, 104175, 2021
Ldpart: effective location-record data publication via local differential privacy
X Zhao, Y Li, Y Yuan, X Bi, G Wang
IEEE Access 7, 31435-31445, 2019
GNEA: a graph neural network with ELM aggregator for brain network classification
X Bi, Z Liu, Y He, X Zhao, Y Sun, H Liu
Complexity 2020 (1), 8813738, 2020
Uncertain xml documents classification using extreme learning machine
X Zhao, X Bi, G Wang, Z Zhang, H Yang
Neurocomputing 174, 375-382, 2016
Temporal-structural importance weighted graph convolutional network for temporal knowledge graph completion
H Nie, X Zhao, X Yao, Q Jiang, X Bi, Y Ma, Y Sun
Future Generation Computer Systems 143, 30-39, 2023
A new point-of-interest group recommendation method in location-based social networks
X Zhao, Z Zhang, X Bi, Y Sun
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-12, 2023
Probability based voting extreme learning machine for multiclass XML documents classification
X Zhao, X Bi, B Qiao
World Wide Web 17 (5), 1217-1231, 2014
An event recommendation model using ELM in event-based social network
B Li, G Wang, Y Cheng, Y Sun, X Bi
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 14375-14384, 2020
CODES: Efficient Incremental Semi-Supervised Classification Over Drifting and Evolving Social Streams
X Bi, C Zhang, X Zhao, D Li, Y Sun, Y Ma
IEEE Access 8 (1), 14024 - 14035, 2020
Rockburst time warning method with blasting cycle as the unit based on microseismic information time series: a case study
L Hu, XT Feng, ZB Yao, W Zhang, WJ Niu, X Bi, GL Feng, YX Xiao
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 82 (4), 121, 2023
A positive and unlabeled learning framework based on extreme learning machine for drug-drug interactions discovery
X Bi, H Ma, J Li, Y Ma, D Chen
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-12, 2023
Rising star evaluation based on extreme learning machine in geo-social networks
Y Ma, Y Yuan, G Wang, X Bi, Z Wang, Y Wang
Cognitive Computation 12, 296-308, 2020
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