Aaram J. Kim
Aaram J. Kim
Assistant Professor, DGIST
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Tracking the Footprints of Spin Fluctuations: A MultiMethod, MultiMessenger Study of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model
T Schäfer, N Wentzell, F Šimkovic IV, YY He, C Hille, M Klett, CJ Eckhardt, ...
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011058, 2021
Extended crossover from a Fermi liquid to a quasiantiferromagnet in the half-filled 2D Hubbard model
F Šimkovic IV, JPF LeBlanc, AJ Kim, Y Deng, NV Prokof’ev, BV Svistunov, ...
Physical review letters 124 (1), 017003, 2020
Spin and charge correlations across the metal-to-insulator crossover in the half-filled 2D Hubbard model
AJ Kim, F Simkovic IV, E Kozik
Physical review letters 124 (11), 117602, 2020
Hubbard band versus oxygen vacancy states in the correlated electron metal
S Backes, TC Rödel, F Fortuna, E Frantzeskakis, P Le Fèvre, F Bertran, ...
Physical Review B 94 (24), 241110, 2016
Freezing and Hund’s Rules in Spin-Orbit-Coupled Multiorbital Hubbard Models
AJ Kim, HO Jeschke, P Werner, R Valentí
Physical review letters 118 (8), 086401, 2017
Homotopic action: A pathway to convergent diagrammatic theories
AJ Kim, NV Prokof’ev, BV Svistunov, E Kozik
Physical Review Letters 126 (25), 257001, 2021
Electron dichotomy on the defect surface augmented by many-body effects
F Lechermann, HO Jeschke, AJ Kim, S Backes, R Valentí
Physical Review B 93 (12), 121103, 2016
Entropy in the Non-Fermi-Liquid Regime of the Doped Hubbard Model
C Lenihan, AJ Kim, F Šimkovic IV, E Kozik
Physical Review Letters 126 (10), 105701, 2021
Alleviating the sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo simulations of spin-orbit-coupled multiorbital Hubbard models
AJ Kim, P Werner, R Valentí
Physical Review B 101 (4), 045108, 2020
Evaluating Second-Order Phase Transitions with Diagrammatic Monte Carlo: Néel Transition in the Doped Three-Dimensional Hubbard Model
C Lenihan, AJ Kim, F Šimkovic IV, E Kozik
Physical Review Letters 129 (10), 107202, 2022
Pseudoparticle vertex solver for quantum impurity models
AJ Kim, J Li, M Eckstein, P Werner
Physical Review B 106 (8), 085124, 2022
Multivaluedness of the Luttinger-Ward functional in the fermionic and bosonic system with replicas
AJ Kim, V Sacksteder IV
Physical Review B 101 (11), 115146, 2020
Spin-freezing and the Sachdev-Ye model
P Werner, AJ Kim, S Hoshino
Europhysics Letters 124 (5), 57002, 2018
Finite-temperature phase transitions in the ionic Hubbard model
AJ Kim, MY Choi, GS Jeon
Physical Review B 89 (16), 165117, 2014
Twisted chiral superconductivity in photodoped frustrated Mott insulators
J Li, M Müller, AJ Kim, AM Läuchli, P Werner
Physical Review B 107 (20), 205115, 2023
Vertex-Based Diagrammatic Treatment of Light-Matter-Coupled Systems
AJ Kim, K Lenk, J Li, P Werner, M Eckstein
Physical Review Letters 130 (3), 036901, 2023
Estimate of the phase transition line in the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model
AJ Kim, MY Choi, GS Jeon
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 64, 268-276, 2014
Strange Metal Solution in the Diagrammatic Theory for the Hubbard Model
AJ Kim, P Werner, E Kozik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06159, 2020
Misleading convergence of the skeleton diagrammatic technique: when the correct solution can be found
AJ Kim, E Kozik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.14768, 2022
Strong coupling impurity solver based on quantics tensor cross interpolation
AJ Kim, P Werner
arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.19026, 2024
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