Alfonso Munte
Alfonso Munte
Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Palangka Raya
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Zitiert von
Philosophy of Giorgio Agamben-Homo Sacer's on the Independent Curriculum for Learning in Indonesia: Critical Reflection
A Munte
International Seminar Commemorating the 100th Annniversary of Tamansiswa 1 …, 2022
Kontribusi Kecerdasan Naturalis Anak Menurut Filosofi Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Studi Literatur
EP Tekerop, I Istiniah, R Elisabeth
Contemporary Ecopedagogical-Political Dialectics Based on Paulo Freire’s Philosophy in Palangka Raya, Indonesia
A Munte
Journal of Education for Sustainability and Diversity 1 (1), 1-17, 2022
Strengthening Music Learning at SMKN
R Sulistyowati, A Munte, S Silipta, R Rudie
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama Untuk Pemberdayaan 22 (2), 239-258, 2022
Pengantar Pendidikan Indonesia: Arah Baru Dalam Membentuk Profil Pelajar Pancasila
M Hasan, TK Harahap, SNI Trisnawati, H Hamzah, A Munte, ...
Penerbit Tahta Media, 2023
Martha Nussbaum's Feminist Philosophy on Body Autonomy and Its Relationship to the Experiences of Women Survivors of Child Marriage: A Case Study in Sukamara, Central Kalimantan.
A Munte, RE Korsina
Jurnal SUARGA: Studi Keberagamaan Dan Keberagaman 1 (1), 27-34, 2022
Perlukah Filsafat Ber-Lokalitas-Naratif di Sekolah Dasar?: Membingkai Sekat Pengasuhan Guru
R Trisiana, A Munte, CA Betaubun, R Malau
Madako Elementary School 2 (1), 1-21, 2023
Miroslav Volf's Theosophy and Charitable Social Living
Y Putri, RGM Suriani, Y Sefle, A Munte
Athena: Journal of Social, Culture and Society 1 (4), 219-231, 2023
Jejak Ziarah Pemikiran Heidegger dalam Ruang Pendidikan Konseling Kristen Atas Sorge-Entschlossenheit-Angst-Zeitlichkeit
A Munte
PEADA': Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen 4 (1), 44-58, 2023
Ethical Reflections on Immanuel Kant’s Moral Philosophy and “[Adolescent] Delinquency”
W Manik, W Wulandari, F Fera, H Agustin, D Moyau, A Munte
JOLALI (Journal of Applied Language and Literacy Studies) 2 (2), 2023
Refleksi Filosofis, Manisfestatif Budaya Kurikulum Pendidikan Di Kalimantan Tengah
N Kurniati, A Munte, NL Simanjuntak
Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Kramat Jati 4 (1), 28-41, 2023
Contribution of Obedience According to Hannah Arendt Philosophy towards Terrorist Women in Indonesia
A Munte, D Natalia
Al Huwiyah: Journal of Woman and Children Studies 2 (1), 2022
Urgensial Filsafat, Kode Etik dan Profesionalisme Guru di Kalimantan Tengah
M Riska, N Liansih, N Gustina, A Munte
SIBERNETIK: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran 1 (1), 39-51, 2023
Permasalahan di Sekitar PAUD Kota Palangka Raya: Kontribusi PAUD lintas Agama (Islam, Kristen, Hindu dan Kaharingan)
F Fitriana, R Elisabeth, DK Esa, N Nopraeda, A Munte
Indonesia Islamic Education Journal 1 (2), 90-103, 2023
Aesthetic Musicality of Arthur Schopenhauer and New Testament Throughout the Ages: Musikalitas Estetis Arthur Schopenhauer dan Perjanjian Baru Sepanjang Zaman
A Munte, D Natalia, E Magdalena, NJ Wijaya, R Malau
Journal of Social and Humanities 1 (1), 16-22, 2023
Era of Disruptions, Gender and Contributions of New Testament (NT) in Christian Religion
A Munte
Ushuluddin International Conference (USICON) 2, 2018
Hospitalitas sebagai Praksis Kristiani dalam Memberdayakan Disabilitas Korban Kekerasan
A Munte
UKI Press, 2018
Human Rights, Vocational High School, Christian Education-Homo Hortensis and Political Philosophy
A Munte
QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama 14 (2), 907-926, 2022
Framing Naturalism Philosophy's Axiological Synergy in Management-Christian Religious Education
G Sinta, D Lestary, T Tanzania, S Napat, E Mariani, A Munte
Aksiologi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Ilmu Sosial, 71-83, 2023
Philosopher Michel Foucault's Ideation and Indonesia's Curricular Quest
A Munte, Y Saputra, X Guilin
Journal Neosantara Hybrid Learning 1 (2), 140-153, 2023
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