Michela Meo
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Optimal energy savings in cellular access networks
MA Marsan, L Chiaraviglio, D Ciullo, M Meo
2009 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, 1-5, 2009
Revealing skype traffic: when randomness plays with you
D Bonfiglio, M Mellia, M Meo, D Rossi, P Tofanelli
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2007
Experiences of internet traffic monitoring with tstat
A Finamore, M Mellia, M Meo, MM Munafo, P Di Torino, D Rossi
IEEE Network 25 (3), 8-14, 2011
A new approach to model the stationary behavior of TCP connections
C Casetti, M Meo
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2000. Conference on Computer Communications …, 2000
Probabilistic consolidation of virtual machines in self-organizing cloud data centers
C Mastroianni, M Meo, G Papuzzo
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 1 (2), 215-228, 2013
Energy-aware UMTS access networks
L Chiaraviglio, D Ciullo, M Meo, MA Marsan, I Torino
W-GREEN, 2008
Kiss: Stochastic packet inspection classifier for udp traffic
A Finamore, M Mellia, M Meo, D Rossi
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 18 (5), 1505-1515, 2010
Energy efficient management of two cellular access networks
MA Marsan, M Meo
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 37 (4), 69-73, 2010
Dynamic resource provisioning for energy efficiency in wireless access networks: A survey and an outlook
Ł Budzisz, F Ganji, G Rizzo, MA Marsan, M Meo, Y Zhang, G Koutitas, ...
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (4), 2259-2285, 2014
Towards zero grid electricity networking: Powering BSs with renewable energy sources
MA Marsan, G Bucalo, A Di Caro, M Meo, Y Zhang
2013 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC), 596-601, 2013
Detailed analysis of skype traffic
D Bonfiglio, M Mellia, M Meo, D Rossi
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 11 (1), 117-127, 2008
Energy-efficient management of UMTS access networks
L Chiaraviglio, D Ciullo, M Meo, MA Marsan
2009 21st International Teletraffic Congress, 1-8, 2009
MAC protocols and fairness control in WDM multirings with tunable transmitters and fixed receivers
MA Marsan, A Bianco, E Leonardi, M Meo, F Neri
Journal of Lightwave Technology 14 (6), 1230-1244, 1996
Markov models of internet traffic and a new hierarchical MMPP model
L Muscariello, M Mellia, M Meo, MA Marsan, RL Cigno
Computer communications 28 (16), 1835-1851, 2005
Tracking down skype traffic
D Bonfiglio, M Mellia, M Meo, N Ritacca, D Rossi
IEEE INFOCOM 2008-The 27th Conference on Computer Communications, 261-265, 2008
Short-term Fairness for TCP Flows in 802.11 b WLANs
M Bottigleliengo, C Casetti, CF Chiasserini, M Meo
IEEE INFOCOM 2004 2, 1383-1392, 2004
Cell wilting and blossoming for energy efficiency
A Conte, A Feki, L Chiaraviglio, D Ciullo, M Meo, MA Marsan
IEEE Wireless Communications 18 (5), 50-57, 2011
Analysis and design of warning delivery service in intervehicular networks
R Fracchia, M Meo
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 7 (7), 832-845, 2008
Energy efficient wireless Internet access with cooperative cellular networks
MA Marsan, M Meo
Computer Networks 55 (2), 386-398, 2011
A simple analytical model for the energy-efficient activation of access points in dense WLANs
MA Marsan, L Chiaraviglio, D Ciullo, M Meo
Proceedings of the 1st international conference on energy-efficient …, 2010
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