Zhen Zhu (朱震)
Zhen Zhu (朱震)
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Phosphorene: an unexplored 2D semiconductor with a high hole mobility
H Liu, AT Neal, Z Zhu, Z Luo, X Xu, D Tománek, PD Ye
ACS Nano 8, 4033-4041, 2014
Semiconducting layered blue phosphorus: a computational study
Z Zhu, D Tománek
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 (17), 176802, 2014
Recent progress in 2D group-VA semiconductors: from theory to experiment
S Zhang, S Guo, Z Chen, Y Wang, H Gao, J Gómez-Herrero, P Ares, ...
Chemical Society Reviews 47 (3), 982-1021, 2018
Phase coexistence and metal-insulator transition in few-layer phosphorene: A computational study
J Guan*, Z Zhu*, D Tománek, (* equal contribution)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 (4), 046804, 2014
The Nature of the Interlayer Interaction in Bulk and Few-Layer Phosphorus
L Shulenberger, AD Baczewski, Z Zhu, J Guan, D Tomanek
Nano Lett. 15, 8170-8175, 2015
Antimonene Oxides: Emerging Tunable Direct Bandgap Semiconductor and Novel Topological Insulator
S Zhang, W Zhou, Y Ma, J Ji, B Cai, SA Yang, Z Zhu, Z Chen, H Zeng
Nano Lett. 17, 3434-3440, 2017
Conducting linear chains of sulphur inside carbon nanotubes
T Fujimori, A Morelos-Gómez, Z Zhu, H Muramatsu, R Futamura, K Urita, ...
Nature communications 4, 2162, 2013
Observation of ballistic avalanche phenomena in nanoscale vertical InSe/BP heterostructures
A Gao, J Lai, Y Wang, Z Zhu, J Zeng, G Yu, N Wang, W Chen, T Cao, ...
Nature nanotechnology 14 (3), 217-222, 2019
Strain-induced metal-semiconductor transition in monolayers and bilayers of gray arsenic: A computational study
Z Zhu, J Guan, D Tomanek
Phys. Rev. B 91, 161404(R), 2015
Two-Dimensional Phosphorus Carbide: Competition between sp2 and sp3 Bonding
J Guan, D Liu, Z Zhu, D Tománek
Nano Letters 16 (5), 3247-3252, 2016
Two-dimensional BX (X = P, As, Sb) semiconductors with mobilities approaching graphene
M Xie, S Zhang, B Cai, Z Zhu, Y Zou, H Zeng
Nanoscale 8, 13407-13413, 2016
Designing isoelectronic counterparts to layered group V semiconductors
Z Zhu, J Guan, D Liu, D Tomanek
ACS Nano 9, 8284-8290, 2015
Semiconductor-topological insulator transition of two-dimensional SbAs induced by biaxial tensile strain
S Zhang, M Xie, B Cai, H Zhang, Y Ma, Z Chen, Z Zhu, Z Hu, H Zeng
Phys. Rev. B 93, 245303, 2016
Tiling Phosphorene
J Guan*, Z Zhu*, D Tománek (* equal contribution)
ACS Nano 8, 12764, 2014
High stability of faceted nanotubes and fullerenes of multiphase layered phosphorus: a computational study
J Guan, Z Zhu, D Tománek
Physical review letters 113 (22), 226801, 2014
Two-dimensional SiP: an unexplored direct band-gap semiconductor
S Zhang, S Guo, Y Huang, Z Zhu, B Cai, M Xie, W Zhou, H Zeng
2D Mater. 4, 015030, 2016
Structural Transition in Layered As1–x P x Compounds: A Computational Study
Z Zhu, J Guan, D Tomanek
Nano letters 15 (9), 6042-6046, 2015
Ultrathin tellurium dioxide: emerging direct bandgap semiconductor with high-mobility transport anisotropy
S Guo, Z Zhu, X Hu, W Zhou, X Song, S Zhang, K Zhang, H Zeng
Nanoscale 10 (18), 8397-8403, 2018
Evidence of diamond nanowires formed inside carbon nanotubes from diamantane dicarboxylic acid.
J Zhang, Z Zhu, Y Feng, H Ishiwata, Y Miyata, R Kitaura, JEP Dahl, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (13), 2013
Effect of structural defects on the thermal conductivity of graphene: From point to line defects to haeckelites
ZG Fthenakis, Z Zhu, D Tománek
Phys. Rev. B 89, 125421, 2014
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