Uwe Schneidewind
Uwe Schneidewind
Research Fellow at University of Birmingham, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
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Microplastic accumulation in riverbed sediment via hyporheic exchange from headwaters to mainstems
JD Drummond, U Schneidewind, A Li, TJ Hoellein, S Krause, AI Packman
Science Advances 8 (2), eabi9305, 2022
Natural attenuation of chlorinated ethenes in hyporheic zones: a review of key biogeochemical processes and in-situ transformation potential
JJ Weatherill, S Atashgahi, U Schneidewind, S Krause, S Ullah, ...
Water Research 128, 362-382, 2018
Spatial characterization of the hydraulic conductivity using direct-push injection logging.
Lessoff, Schneidewind, Leven, Blum, Dietrich, Dagan
Water Resources Research 46, 2010
Determining groundwater-surface water exchange from temperature-time series: Combining a local polynomial method with a maximum likelihood estimator
G Vandersteen, U Schneidewind, C Anibas, C Schmidt, P Seuntjens, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (2), 922-939, 2015
Amenity proximity analysis for sustainable brownfield redevelopment planning
A Beames, S Broekx, U Schneidewind, D Landuyt, M van der Meulen, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 171, 68-79, 2018
LPMLE3: A novel 1‐D approach to study water flow in streambeds using heat as a tracer
U Schneidewind, M van Berkel, C Anibas, G Vandersteen, C Schmidt, ...
Water Resources Research, 2016
Citizen science reveals microplastic hotspots within tidal estuaries and the remote Scilly Islands, United Kingdom
HA Nel, GHS Smith, R Harmer, R Sykes, U Schneidewind, I Lynch, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 161, 111776, 2020
From streambed temperature measurements to spatial‐temporal flux quantification: Using the LPML method to study groundwater‐surface water interaction
C Anibas, U Schneidewind, G Vandersteen, I Joris, P Seuntjens, ...
Hydrological Processes 30 (2), 203-216, 2016
Microplastics and nanoplastics in agriculture—A potential source of soil and groundwater contamination?
C Moeck, G Davies, S Krause, U Schneidewind
Grundwasser 28, 23-35, 2022
Kinetics of dechlorination by Dehalococcoides mccartyi using different carbon sources
U Schneidewind*, PJ Haest*, S Atashgahi*, F Maphosa, K Hamonts, ...
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 157, 25-36, 2014
Transport and retention of surfactant and polymer-stabilized engineered silver nanoparticles in silicate-dominated aquifer material.
YF Adrian, U Schneidewind, SA Bradford, J Simunek, ...
Environmental Pollution 236, 195-207, 2018
Prevailing impacts of river management on microplastic transport in contrasting US streams: Rethinking global microplastic flux estimations
A Kukkola, RL Runkel, U Schneidewind, SF Murphy, L Kelleher, ...
Water Research 240, 120112, 2023
LPMLEn–A frequency domain method to estimate vertical streambed fluxes and sediment thermal properties in semi‐infinite and bounded domains
R van Kampen, U Schneidewind, C Anibas, A Bertagnoli, D Tonina, ...
Water Resources Research 58 (3), e2021WR030886, 2022
Transport and retention of engineered silver nanoparticles in carbonate-rich sediments in the presence and absence of soil organic matter
Yorck F. Adrian, Uwe Schneidewind, Scott A. Bradford, Jirka Šimůnek, Erwin ...
Environmental Pollution 255, 2019
Delineation of spatial-temporal patterns of groundwater/surface-water interaction along a river reach (Aa River, Belgium) with transient thermal modeling
C Anibas, AD Tolche, G Ghysels, J Nossent, U Schneidewind, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 26 (3), 819-835, 2018
Microplastic distribution and characteristics across a large river basin: Insights from the Neuse River in North Carolina, USA
JJ Kurki-Fox, BA Doll, B Monteleone, K West, G Putnam, L Kelleher, ...
Science of the Total Environment 878, 162940, 2023
A systematic approach to understand hydrogeochemical dynamics in large river systems: Development and application to the River Ganges (Ganga) in India
LA Richards, BG Fox, MJ Bowes, K Khamis, A Kumar, R Kumari, S Kumar, ...
Water Research 211, 118054, 2022
The Significance of Vertical and Lateral Groundwater–Surface Water Exchange Fluxes in Riverbeds and Riverbanks: Comparing 1D Analytical Flux Estimates with 3D Groundwater Modelling
G Ghysels, C Anibas, H Awol, AD Tolche, U Schneidewind, M Huysmans
Water 13 (3), 306, 2021
Microplastic accumulation in endorheic river basins–The example of the Okavango Panhandle (Botswana)
L Kelleher, U Schneidewind, S Krause, L Haverson, S Allen, D Allen, ...
Science of The Total Environment 874, 162452, 2023
Easy and accessible way to calibrate a fluorescence microscope and to create a microplastic identification key
A Kukkola, S Krause, Y Yonan, L Kelleher, U Schneidewind, GHS Smith, ...
MethodsX 10, 102053, 2023
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