Yok-Fong Paat
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Working with immigrant children and their families: An application of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory
YF Paat
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 23 (8), 954-966, 2013
Digital crime, trauma, and abuse: Internet safety and cyber risks for adolescents and emerging adults in the 21st century
YF Paat, C Markham
Social Work in Mental Health 19 (1), 18-40, 2021
The roles of family factors and relationship dynamics on dating violence victimization and perpetration among college men and women in emerging adulthood
YF Paat, C Markham
Journal of interpersonal violence 34 (1), 81-114, 2019
The link between financial strain, interparental discord and children’s antisocial behaviors
YF Paat
Journal of Family Violence 26, 195-210, 2011
Risk and resilience of immigrant women in intimate partner violence
YF Paat
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 24 (7), 725-740, 2014
Ethnic identity formation of immigrant children and implications for practice
YF Paat, D Pellebon
Child & Youth Services 33 (2), 127-145, 2012
Psycho-emotional violence, its association, co-occurrence, and bidirectionality with cyber, physical and sexual violence
YF Paat, C Markham, M Peskin
Journal of child & adolescent trauma 13 (4), 365-380, 2020
Mental health of immigrants and refugees seeking legal services on the US-Mexico border
YF Paat, R Green
Transcultural psychiatry 54 (5-6), 783-805, 2017
A gendered approach to understanding the roles of social bonding, personal control, and strain on college dating violence in emerging adulthood
YF Paat, C Markham
Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma 25 (8), 793-811, 2016
Insights from the shelter: Homeless shelter workers’ perceptions of homelessness and working with the homeless
YF Paat, J Morales, AI Escajeda, R Tullius
Journal of Progressive Human Services 32 (3), 263-283, 2021
Sensation seeking and impulsivity as predictors of high-risk sexual behaviours among international travellers
YF Paat, LR Torres, DX Morales, SM Srinivasan, S Sanchez
Current Issues in Tourism 23 (21), 2716-2732, 2020
Family-and community-related determinants of intimate partner violence among Mexican and Puerto Rican origin mothers in fragile families
YF Paat, TL Hope, T Mangadu, GG Núñez-Mchiri, SM Chavez-Baray
Women's Studies International Forum 62, 136-147, 2017
Understanding motives for migration in working with immigrant families
YF Paat
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 23 (4), 403-412, 2013
Children of Mexican immigrants’ aspiration-attainment gap and educational resilience
YF Paat
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 9 (1), 37-53, 2015
Disease and the Environment: A Health Disparities CURE Incorporating Civic Engagement Education.
JT Olimpo, J Apodaca, AA Hernandez, YF Paat
Science Education and Civic Engagement 11 (1), 13, 2019
Hispanic exconvicts’ perceptions of challenges and reintegration
YF Paat, TL Hope, LC Lopez, H Zamora Jr, CM Salas
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 56 (2), 87-109, 2017
Relationship dynamics, gender, and criminal offending in fragile families
YF Paat, TL Hope
Journal of Family Violence 30, 227-241, 2015
The roles of family, neighborhood, and school contextual factors on social work minority students’ educational aspirations and integration
YF Paat
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment 27 (3), 232-249, 2017
Life course, altruism, rational choice, and aspirations in social work education
YF Paat
Research Papers in Education 31 (2), 234-253, 2016
Relationship dynamics and healthy exchange across the family life cycle: Implications for practice
YF Paat
Journal of human behavior in the social environment 23 (8), 938-953, 2013
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