Gautam Pradhan
Gautam Pradhan
Research Agronomist at the North Dakota State University, Williston Research Extension Center
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Effects of drought and high temperature stress on synthetic hexaploid wheat
GP Pradhan, PVV Prasad, AK Fritz, MB Kirkham, BS Gill
Functional Plant Biology 39 (3), 190-198, 2012
High Temperature Tolerance in Aegilops Species and Its Potential Transfer to Wheat
GP Pradhan, PVV Prasad, AK Fritz, MB Kirkham, BS Gill
Crop Science 52 (1), 292-304, 2012
Canopy temperature depression at grain filling correlates to winter wheat yield in the US Southern High Plains
S Thapa, KE Jessup, GP Pradhan, JC Rudd, S Liu, JR Mahan, ...
Field Crops Research 217, 11-19, 2018
Nitrogen fertilization I: Impact on crop, soil, and environment
UM Sainju, R Ghimire, GP Pradhan
Nitrogen fixation 9, 1-9, 2019
Evaluation of Wheat Chromosome Translocation Lines for High Temperature Stress Tolerance at Grain Filling Stage
GP Pradhan, PVV Prasad
PLOS ONE 10 (2), 1-20, 2015
Response of Aegilops species to drought stress during reproductive stages of development
GP Pradhan, PVV Prasad, AK Fritz, MB Kirkham, BS Gill
Functional Plant Biology 39 (1), 51-59, 2011
Cooler Canopy Contributes to Higher Yield and Drought Tolerance in New Wheat Cultivars
GP Pradhan, Q Xue, KE Jessup, JC Rudd, S Liu, RN Devkota, JR Mahan
Crop Science 54 (5), 2275-2284, 2014
More recent wheat cultivars extract more water from greater soil profile depths to increase yield in the Texas High Plains
S Thapa, Q Xue, KE Jessup, JC Rudd, S Liu, GP Pradhan, RN Devkota, ...
Agronomy Journal 109 (6), 2771-2780, 2017
Wheat and Rice in the Hills: Farming Systems, Production Techniques and Research Issues for Rice-Wheat Cropping Patterns in the Mid-Hills of Nepal
LW Harrington, PR Hobbs, DB Tamang, C Adhikari, BK Gyawali, ...
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) and International Maize and Wheat …, 1992
Physiological Responses of Hard Red Winter Wheat to Infection by Wheat streak mosaic virus
GP Pradhan, Q Xue, KE Jessup, B Hao, JA Price, CM Rush
Phytopathology 105 (5), 621-627, 2015
Spectral reflectance models for characterizing winter wheat genotypes
S Ajayi, SK Reddy, PH Gowda, Q Xue, JC Rudd, G Pradhan, S Liu, ...
Journal of Crop Improvement 30 (2), 176-195, 2016
Menopause and other correlates
GP Pradhan, SK Srivastava
Indian J Prev Soc Med 34 (1-2), 68-73, 2003
Improving dryland cropping system nitrogen balance with no‐tillage and nitrogen fertilization
UM Sainju, R Ghimire, GP Pradhan
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 182 (3), 374-384, 2019
Registration of ‘Loma’hard red winter wheat
PL Bruckner, JE Berg, KD Kephart, RN Stougaard, GP Pradhan, PF Lamb, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 11 (3), 281-284, 2017
Registration of ‘Northern’hard red winter wheat
JE Berg, PF Lamb, JH Miller, DM Wichman, KD Kephart, RN Stougaard, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 10 (2), 135-138, 2016
Nitrogen fertilization II: Management practices to sustain crop production and soil and environmental quality
UM Sainju, R Ghimire, GP Pradhan
Nitrogen Fixation, 2019
Effects of drought and/or high temperature stress on wild wheat relatives (Aegilops species) and synthetic wheats
GP Pradhan
Kansas State University, 2011
Diagnostic survey for spring rice in the rice-wheat system of kavre district, Nepal: production domain, farm management practices, and farmers' and farmers' perceptions of …
M Ali, DB Tamang, BK Gyawali, BK Batsa, G Pradhan, YG Khadka
^ C1993, 1993
Registration of ‘ND VitPro’hard red spring wheat
AJ Green, M Mergoum, R Frohberg, J Underdahl, R Horsley, A Walz, ...
Journal of Plant Registrations 16 (3), 606-612, 2022
Effective Use of Soil Water Contributed to High Yield in Wheat in the U.S. Southern High Plains
GP Pradhan, Q Xue, S Liu, JC Rudd, KE Jessup
Journal of Arid Land Studies 24 (1), 153-156, 2014
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