Pálmai Tamás
Pálmai Tamás
Agricultural Institute - Centre for Agricultural Research - Department of Biological Resources
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Light Intensity-and Spectrum-Dependent Redox Regulation of Plant Metabolism
P Borbély, A Gasperl, T Pálmai, M Ahres, MA Asghar, G Galiba, M Müller, ...
Antioxidants 11 (7), 1311, 2022
The Impact of Far-Red Light Supplementation on Hormonal Re-Sponses to Cold Acclimation in Barley
M Ahres, T Pálmai, K Gierczik, P Dobrev, R Vanková, G Galiba
Biomolecules 11 (3), 450, 2021
Ecophysiology of a successful phytoplankton competitor in the African flamingo lakes: the green alga Picocystis salinarum (Picocystophyceae)
T Pálmai, B Szabó, K Kotut, L Krienitz, J Padisák
Journal of Applied Phycology 32 (3), 1813-1825, 2020
Characterization of a high lipid-producing thermotolerant marine photosynthetic pico alga from genus Picochlorum (Trebouxiophyceae)
M Mucko, J Padisák, M Gligora Udovič, T Pálmai, T Novak, N Medić, ...
European Journal of Phycology 55 (4), 384-399, 2020
The Effect of White Light Spectrum Modifications by Excess of Blue Light on the Frost Tolerance, Lipid-and Hormone Composition of Barley in the Early Pre-Hardening Phase
M Ahres, T Pálmai, T Kovács, L Kovács, J Lacek, R Vankova, G Galiba, ...
Plants 12 (1), 40, 2022
Annual hydrological cycle of environmental variables in astatic soda pans (Hungary)
E Lengyel, T Pálmai, J Padisák, C Stenger-Kovács
Journal of Hydrology 575, 1188-1199, 2019
Decreased R: FR Ratio in Incident White Light Affects the Composition of Barley Leaf Lipidome and Freezing Tolerance in a Temperature-Dependent Manner
T Kovács, M Ahres, T Pálmai, L Kovács, M Uemura, C Crosatti, G Galiba
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (20), 7557, 2020
Photosynthetic performance of two freshwater red algal species
T Pálmai, B Szabó, KE Hubai, J Padisák
Acta Botanica Croatica, 2018
Growth response of the picoplanktic Picocystis salinarum and the microplanktic Limnospira (Arthrospira) fusiformis strains from Lake Nakuru (Kenya) to rapidly …
T Pálmai, B Szabó, E Lengyel, K Kotut, L Krienitz, J Padisák
Hydrobiologia 851 (8), 1873-1889, 2024
A Microcystis flos-aquae fotoszintetikus aktivitása a Balaton keleti medencéjében 2015 nyarán= Photosynthetic activity of Microcystis flos-aque in the eastern basin of Lake …
T Pálmai, GB Selmeczy, B Szabó, L G-Tóth, J Padisák
HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY 96 (Klsz.), 75-78, 2016
Módosított tápoldat egy trópusi sós tóból izolált Arthrospira fusiformis és Picocystis salinarum algafajok számára
HM Shafik, T Pálmai, J Padisák
Hidrológiai Közlöny 94 (5-6), 43-45, 2014
Az Arthrospira fusiformis és a Picocystis salinarum fotoszintézisének karakterisztikái különböző fényintenzitásokon és hőmérsékleten
T Pálmai, V Üveges, L Krienitz, J Padisák
Hidrológiai Közlöny 93 (5-6), 64-66, 2013
Investigating the impact of spring (Vrn-A1) and winter (vrn-A1) vernalization alleles on frost tolerance induced by light spectrum and low temperatures in different wheat …
M Ahres, T Pálmai, Z Farkas, Z Gulyás, A Soltész, P Borbély, Z Tahmasebi, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 229, 106079, 2025
P Borbély, T Pálmai, M Ahres, G Caccialupi, E Francia, G Galiba
BOOK OF, 1, 2023
Effect of plant age, light-spectra, and winter/spring vernalization alleles on the cold acclimation of barley photosynthetic apparatus
P Borbély, T Pálmai, M Ahres, G Caccialupi, E Francia, G Galiba
Book of Abstract, 2023
Resolving the effects cold temperatures from those of gene dosage and the circadian clock on changes in gene expression during cold acclimation in barley using reciprocal near …
G Caccialupi, JA Milc, EJ Stockinger, M Ahres, T Pálmai, G Galiba, ...
Horticulture and Crop Science Graduate Student Association, 2023
Ecophysiological plasticity of different algal taxa
T Pálmai
Pannon Egyetem, 2021
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Artikel 1–17