H.C. Lee
H.C. Lee
Research Scientist
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A review on the laminar flame speed and ignition delay time of Syngas mixtures
HC Lee, LY Jiang, AA Mohamad
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 39 (2), 1105-1121, 2014
A detailed chemical kinetics for the combustion of H2/CO/CH4/CO2 fuel mixtures
HC Lee, AA Mohamad, LY Jiang
Fuel 193, 294-307, 2017
Influence of molecular transport on burning rate and conditioned species concentrations in highly turbulent premixed flames
HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 928, A5, 2021
Comprehensive comparison of chemical kinetics mechanisms for syngas/biogas mixtures
HC Lee, AA Mohamad, LY Jiang
Energy & Fuels 29 (9), 6126-6145, 2015
Experimental and numerical study of flow over a cavity for reduction of buffeting noise
Y Wang, HC Lee, KM Li, Z Gu, J Chen
Acta Acustica united with Acustica 98 (4), 600-610, 2012
Accurate simulations of surface pressure fluctuations and flow-induced noise near bluff body at low mach numbers
YP Wang, J Chen, HC Lee, KM Li
The Seventh International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and …, 2012
A DNS study of extreme and leading points in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames–part I: local thermochemical structure and reaction rates
HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame 235, 111716, 2022
Lewis number and preferential diffusion effects in lean hydrogen–air highly turbulent flames
HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Physics of Fluids 34 (3), 2022
A DNS study of extreme and leading points in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames-part II: Local velocity field and flame topology
HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Combustion and Flame 235, 111712, 2022
Boundary conditions for lattice Boltzmann method with multispeed lattices
HC Lee, S Bawazeer, AA Mohamad
Computers & Fluids 162, 152-159, 2018
The effects of caudal fin's bending stiffness on a self-propelled carangiform swimmer
B Wu, C Shu, HC Lee, M Wan
Physics of Fluids 34 (4), 2022
An explicit immersed boundary-reconstructed thermal lattice Boltzmann flux solver for thermal–fluid-structure interaction problems
B Wu, J Lu, HC Lee, C Shu, M Wan
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 235, 107704, 2022
Influence of equivalence ratio on turbulent burning velocity and extreme fuel consumption rate in lean hydrogen-air turbulent flames
HC Lee, A Abdelsamie, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Fuel 327, 124969, 2022
A numerical support of leading point concept
HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (55), 23444-23461, 2022
Transition from turbulence-dominated to instability-dominated combustion regime in lean hydrogen-air flames
AN Lipatnikov, HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, VA Sabelnikov
Combustion and Flame 259, 113170, 2024
Numerical study on the hydrodynamic performance of an unconstrained carangiform swimmer
B Wu, C Shu, HC Lee, M Wan
Physics of Fluids 34 (12), 2022
Investigation of a robust tendon-sheath mechanism for flexible membrane wing application in mini-UAV
S Lee, T Tjahjowidodo, H Lee, B Lai
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 85, 252-266, 2017
An explicit boundary condition-enforced immersed boundary-reconstructed thermal lattice Boltzmann flux solver for thermal–fluid–structure interaction problems with heat flux …
B Wu, J Lu, HC Lee, C Shu, M Wan
Journal of Computational Physics 485, 112106, 2023
Displacement speed, flame surface density and burning rate in highly turbulent premixed flames characterized by low Lewis numbers
HC Lee, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 961, A21, 2023
Turbulent burning velocity and thermodiffusive instability of premixed flames
HC Lee, B Wu, P Dai, M Wan, AN Lipatnikov
Physical Review E 108 (3), 035101, 2023
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