Muzailin Affan
Muzailin Affan
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Membangun kembali sikap nasionalisme bangsa Indonesia dalam menangkal budaya asing di era globalisasi
MH Affan
Pesona Dasar: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar dan Humaniora 3 (2), 2017
Integrated model for earthquake risk assessment using neural network and analytic hierarchy process: Aceh province, Indonesia
R Jena, B Pradhan, G Beydoun, H Sofyan, M Affan
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (2), 613-634, 2020
A decade after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami: the progress in disaster preparedness and future challenges in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives
A Suppasri, K Goto, A Muhari, P Ranasinghe, M Riyaz, M Affan, E Mas, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 172, 3313-3341, 2015
Tsunami evacuation simulation for disaster education and city planning
Y Goto, M Affan, Y Nurdin, DK Yuliana, M Ardiansyah
Journal of Disaster Research 7 (1), 92-101, 2012
Exploring minimum essentials for sustainable school disaster preparedness: A case of elementary schools in Banda Aceh City, Indonesia
A Sakurai, MBF Bisri, T Oda, RS Oktari, Y Murayama, M Affan
International journal of disaster risk reduction 29, 73-83, 2018
People’s perceptions of elephant conservation and the human-elephant conflict in Aceh Jaya, Sumatra, Indonesia
A Abdullah, A Sayuti, H Hasanuddin, M Affan, G Wilson
European Journal of Wildlife Research 65, 1-8, 2019
Spatial statistic analysis of earthquakes in Aceh province year 1921-2014: cluster seismicity
M Affan, M Syukri, L Wahyuna, H Sofyan
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology 5 (2), 54-62, 2016
The threat of IS proxy warfare on Indonesian Millennial Muslims
M Affan
Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies 8 (2), 199-224, 2018
The status of coral reefs in Aceh Besar district, Aceh Province, Indonesia
N Fadli, ZA Muchlisin, M Affan, SA El Rahimi
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 7 (5), 365-371, 2014
Tsunami evacuation simulation for disaster awareness education and mitigation planning of Banda Aceh
M Affan, Y Goto, A Sabti
Proceeding of the 15th World Conference on EarthquaNe Engineering, Lisbon …, 2012
Hubungan Antara Gaya Belajar Dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Kelas V SD Negeri 29 Banda Aceh
Z Adami, MHAMH Affan, H Hajidin
Elementary Education Research 2 (4), 2017
Faizah, & Dahlan.(2010). Land Cover Change Analysis Using Satellite Images
M Affan
Jurnal Natural 10 (1), 50-55, 0
Lessons learned from two villages in the tsunami most affected area of Banda Aceh City; a review of the housing reconstruction and the current state of village development
M Affan, S Koshimura, F Imamura, H Sofyan, S Agustina, Nizamuddin, ...
Post-tsunami hazard: Reconstruction and restoration, 59-72, 2015
Integrated model for earthquake risk assessment using neural network and analytic hierarchy process: Aceh province, Indonesia. Geosci. Front. 11, 613–634
R Jena, B Pradhan, G Beydoun, A Nizamuddin, H Sofyan, M Affan
The composition and abundance of reef fish (Family Chaetodontidae) in Aceh Besar waters, Aceh, Indonesia
N Fadli, ZA Muchlisin, B Ikhsan, I Dewiyanti, S Purnawan, M Ulfah, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 348 (1), 012078, 2019
Strategi Keberlanjutan Pembangunan Energi Terbarukan Jangka Panjang Indonesia: Kasus Biomassa Energi Terbarukan di Sektor Pertanian, Perkebunan dan Kehutanan Indonesia
R Radhiana, S Yana, M Affan, Z Zainuddin, S Susanti, K Kasmaniar, ...
Jurnal Serambi Engineering 8 (1), 2023
Assessing the Intermediate Function of Local Academic Institutions During the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Aceh, Indonesia
D Sasaki, H Sofyan, NR Sasmita, M Affan, N Nizamuddin
Journal of Disaster Research 16 (8), 1265-1273, 2021
Microtremor datasets at liquefaction site of Petobo, Central Sulawesi-Indonesia
A Yulianur, T Saidi, B Setiawan, S Sugianto, M Rusdi, M Affan
Data in Brief 30, 105554, 2020
Integrated model for earthquake risk assessment using neural network and analytic hierarchy process: Aceh province, Indonesia. Geosci Front 11 (2): 613–634
R Jena, B Pradhan, G Beydoun, A Nizamuddin, H Sofyan, M Affan
Nematode infestation in the Indonesian shortfin eel (Anguilla bicolor)(Actinopterygii: Anguilliformes: Anguillidae) harvested from Aceh waters, Indonesia.
ZA Muchlisin, B Lubis, AS Batubara, I Dewiyanti, M Affan, M Sidqi
Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine 55 (1), 2018
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