Ezequiel Rodriguez
Ezequiel Rodriguez
Research fellow, Energy Research Institute at Nanyang Technological University (ERI@N)
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Incremental passivity control in multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters
ER Ramos, R Leyva, GG Farivar, HD Tafti, CD Townsend, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 35 (8), 8766-8778, 2020
A constrained intersubmodule state-of-charge balancing method for battery energy storage systems based on the cascaded H-bridge converter
G Liang, E Rodriguez, GG Farivar, S Ceballos, CD Townsend, NBY Gorla, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (10), 12669-12678, 2022
Closed-loop analytic filtering scheme of capacitor voltage ripple in multilevel cascaded H-bridge converters
E Rodriguez, GG Farivar, N Beniwal, CD Townsend, HD Tafti, S Vazquez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (8), 8819-8832, 2020
An enhanced static compensator with DC-link voltage shaping method
YT Jeon, CD Townsend, HD Tafti, ER Ramos, GG Farivar, JH Park, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (3), 2488-2500, 2019
Enhancing inductive operation of low-capacitance cascaded H-bridge StatComs using optimal third-harmonic circulating current
E Rodriguez, R Leyva, L Qingxiang, CD Townsend, GG Farivar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (9), 10788-10800, 2021
Discontinuous modulation of a cascaded H-bridge low-capacitance StatCom
Q Liu, E Rodriguez, GG Farivar, S Ceballos, CD Townsend, R Leyva, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (3), 2790-2800, 2021
Cascaded H-bridge low capacitance static compensator with modular switched capacitors
GG Farivar, CD Townsend, HD Tafti, YT Jeon, ER Ramos, J Pou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (7), 5944-5954, 2020
Capacitor condition monitoring for the low-capacitance statcom: An online approach
ER Ramos, R Leyva, GG Farivar, CD Townsend, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (4), 3697-3701, 2021
Operating limits for low-capacitance cascaded H-bridge static compensators
ER Ramos, R Leyva, GG Farivar, CD Townsend, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (3), 3421-3433, 2021
Capacitor condition monitoring based on an adaptive observer of the low-frequency capacitor voltage ripples for modular multilevel converters
E Rodriguez, L Gaowen, GG Farivar, HD Tafti, CD Townsend, R Leyva, ...
2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), 1-6, 2019
Battery fault tolerance of modular multilevel converter-based battery energy storage systems with redundant submodules
G Liang, GG Farivar, GNB Yadav, E Rodriguez, J Pou
IECON 2021–47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2021
Constrained control of low-capacitance delta cascaded H-bridge StatComs: A model predictive control approach
E Rodriguez, R Leyva, CD Townsend, GG Farivar, HD Tafti, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (12), 14312-14328, 2021
Adaptive filtering scheme for a low-capacitance StatCom
E Rodriguez, N Beniwal, G Farivar, CD Townsend, S Vazquez, J Pou
2018 IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC), 1-7, 2018
Operation of the low-capacitance cascaded H-bridge StatCom under grid voltage swells
ER Ramos, R Leyva, GG Farivar, CD Townsend, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (10), 12552-12562, 2022
Sliding-mode approaches to control a microinverter based on a quadratic boost converter
H Valderrama-Blavi, E Rodríguez-Ramos, C Olalla, X Genaro-Muñoz
Energies 12 (19), 3697, 2019
Negative-sequence current capability in low-capacitance cascaded h-bridge static compensators with optimal third-harmonic circulating current injection
ER Ramos, R Leyva, GG Farivar, CD Townsend, J Pou
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 38 (4), 4544-4558, 2022
Discretized discontinuous modulation strategy for cascaded H-bridge StatCom
Q Liu, E Rodriguez, GG Farivar, J Pou, R Leyva, CD Townsend
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (7), 7235-7245, 2022
A comparison of PI-based and sorting-based state of charge balancing methods in cascaded H-bridge converters
G Liang, E Rodriguez, GG Farivar, GNB Yadav, N Beniwal, J Pou, ...
2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1-7, 2022
Discontinuous modulation of cascaded H-bridge StatComs considering capacitor voltage oscillations
Q Liu, E Rodriguez, GG Farivar, J Pou, S Ceballos, CD Townsend, ...
2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 3087-3092, 2021
Load adaptive cascaded H-bridge low capacitance statcom with modular capacitors
G Farivar, HD Tafti, CD Townsend, E Rodriguez, J Pou
IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2019
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