Senior Lecturer at Department of Statistics, ITS, Surabaya
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S-GSTAR-SUR model for seasonal spatio temporal data forecasting
S Setiawan, M Prastuti
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 10, 53-65, 2016
GSTARX-GLS model for spatio-temporal data forecasting
S Setiawan, SR Wahyuningrum, MS Akbar
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 10, 91-103, 2016
Implementation of Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (GSTAR)-Kriging model for predicting rainfall data at unobserved locations in West Java
AS Abdullah, S Matoha, DA Lubis, AN Falah, I Jaya, E Hermawan, ...
Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 12 (3), 607-615, 2018
Pemodelan Inflasi di Kota Semarang, Yogyakarta, dan Surakarta dengan pendekatan GSTAR
LA Faizah, S Setiawan
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 2 (2), D317-D322, 2013
Forecasting of monthly inflow and outflow currency using time series regression and ARIMAX: The Idul Fitri effect
IS Ahmad, S Setiawan, S Suhartono, NH Masun
AIP Conference Proceedings 1691 (1), 2015
Pemodelan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kriminalitas di jawa timur dengan analisis regresi spasial
FM Dona, S Setiawan
Jurnal sains dan seni ITS 4 (1), D73-D78, 2015
GSTARX-GLS Model for Spatio-Temporal Data Forecasting.
SR Wahyuningrum, MS Akbar
Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 10, 2016
Configuring calendar variation based on time series regression method for forecasting of monthly currency inflow and outflow in Central Java
S Setiawan, S Suhartono, IS Ahmad, NI Rahmawati
AIP Conference Proceedings 1691 (1), 2015
Pemodelan Persentase Penduduk Miskin di Jawa Timur dengan Pendekatan Ekonometrika Panel Spasial
AK Setiawati, S Setiawan
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), D183-D187, 2012
Toward a Hierarchical Bayesian Framework for Modelling the Effect of Regional Diversity on Household Expenditure.
I Pudji, I Nur, S Ulama Brodjol Sutijo Supri
Journal of Mathematics & Statistics 8 (2), 2012
Peramalan Indeks Harga Saham Perusahaan Finansial LQ45 Menggunakan Metode Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) dan Vector Autoregressive (VAR)
RN Putri, S Setiawan
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 4 (2), 2016
sejarah perkembangan statistika dan aplikasinya
S Sunaryo, S Setiawan, A Djuraidah, A Saefuddin
Forum Statistika Dan Komputasi 8 (1), 2003
Peramalan Inflasi Kota Surabaya dengan Pendekatan ARIMA, Variasi Kalender dan Intervensi
N Wulandari, S Setiawan, IS Ahmad
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 5 (1), D90-D95, 2016
Pengukuran Risiko pada Klaim Asuransi “X” dengan Menggunakan Metode Generalized Extreme Value dan Generalized Pareto Distribution
J Sodiq, S Setiawan, S Sutikno
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 1 (1), D75-D80, 2012
Pemodelan VAR-NN dan GSTAR-NN untuk peramalan curah hujan di Kabupaten Malang
KKN Diani, S Setiawan, S Suhartono
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 2 (1), D31-D36, 2013
Spatial Vector Autoregressive Model with Calendar Variation for East Java Inflation and Money Supply
E Sumarminingsih, S Matoha, A Suharsono, BN Ruchjana
Appl. Math. Inf. Sci 12 (6), 1157-1163, 2018
Statistical downscaling output GCM modeling with continuum regression and pre-processing PCA approach
S Sutikno, S Setiawan, H Purnomoadi
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science 21 (3), 2010
Analisis Ekonometrika Model Pendapatan Nasional Indonesia dengan Pendekatan Persamaan Sistem Simultan
AF Khoiruroh, S Setiawan
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 3 (2), D200-D205, 2014
Local economic development of dolly lane Surabaya: A descriptive study
DS Dewi, M Yusuf, NI Sari
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (1), 012076, 2018
The Jackknife Interval Estimation of Parametersin Partial Least Squares Regression Modelfor Poverty Data Analysis
P Ismartini, S Sunaryo, S Setiawan
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science 21 (3), 2010
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