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Nonlinear vibrations of fiber-reinforced composite cylindrical shells with bolt loosening boundary conditions
H Li, H Lv, H Sun, Z Qin, J Xiong, Q Han, J Liu, X Wang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 496, 115935, 2021
A new dynamic model of rotor–blade systems
H Ma, Y Lu, Z Wu, X Tai, H Li, B Wen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 357, 168-194, 2015
Nonlinear vibration characteristics of fibre reinforced composite cylindrical shells in thermal environment
H Li, H Lv, J Gu, J Xiong, Q Han, J Liu, Z Qin
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 156, 107665, 2021
Spacer arm-facilitated tethering of laccase on magnetic polydopamine nanoparticles for efficient biocatalytic water treatment
C Chen, W Sun, H Lv, H Li, Y Wang, P Wang
Chemical Engineering Journal 350, 949-959, 2018
Amplitude-dependent damping characteristics of all-composite sandwich plates with a foam-filled hexagon honeycomb core
H Li, Y Liu, H Zhang, Z Qin, Z Wang, Y Deng, J Xiong, X Wang, SK Ha
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 186, 109845, 2023
Effects of eccentric phase difference between two discs on oil-film instability in a rotor–bearing system
H Ma, H Li, X Zhao, H Niu, B Wen
Mechanical systems and signal processing 41 (1-2), 526-545, 2013
Nonlinear vibration analysis of fiber reinforced composite cylindrical shells with partial constrained layer damping treatment
H Li, Z Wang, H Lv, Z Zhou, Q Han, J Liu, Z Qin
Thin-Walled Structures 157, 107000, 2020
Vibration analysis of porous metal foam truncated conical shells with general boundary conditions using GDQ
H Li, YX Hao, W Zhang, LT Liu, SW Yang, DM Wang
Composite Structures 269, 114036, 2021
Vibration and damping study of multifunctional grille composite sandwich plates with an IMAS design approach
H Li, X Wang, X Hu, J Xiong, Q Han, X Wang, Z Guan
Composites Part B: Engineering 223, 109078, 2021
Nonlinear vibration analysis of fiber metal laminated plates with multiple viscoelastic layers
H Li, Z Li, B Safaei, W Rong, W Wang, Z Qin, J Xiong
Thin-Walled Structures 168, 108297, 2021
A nonlinear dynamic model of fiber-reinforced composite thin plate with temperature dependence in thermal environment
H Li, H Wu, T Zhang, B Wen, Z Guan
Composites Part B: Engineering 162, 206-218, 2019
An iterative method for identification of temperature and amplitude dependent material parameters of fiber-reinforced polymer composites
H Li, T Wu, Z Gao, X Wang, H Ma, Q Han, Z Qin
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 184, 105818, 2020
Vibro-impact response of FRP sandwich plates with a foam core reinforced by chopped fiber rods
H Li, Z Li, Z Xiao, J Xiong, X Wang, Q Han, J Zhou, Z Guan
Composites Part B: Engineering 242, 110077, 2022
Natural vibration of an elastically supported porous truncated joined conical-conical shells using artificial spring technology and generalized differential quadrature method
H Li, YX Hao, W Zhang, LT Liu, SW Yang, YT Cao
Aerospace Science and Technology 121, 107385, 2022
A new nonlinear vibration model of fiber-reinforced composite thin plate with amplitude-dependent property
H Li, P Xue, Z Guan, Q Han, B Wen
Nonlinear Dynamics 94, 2219-2241, 2018
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of a rotor-bearing-seal system under two loading conditions
H Ma, H Li, H Niu, R Song, B Wen
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (23), 6128-6154, 2013
Modeling of amplitude-dependent damping characteristics of fiber reinforced composite thin plate
H Li, Y Niu, Z Li, Z Xu, Q Han
Applied Mathematical Modelling 80, 394-407, 2020
A nonlinear analytical model of composite plate structure with an MRE function layer considering internal magnetic and temperature fields
H Li, W Wang, X Wang, Q Han, J Liu, Z Qin, J Xiong, Z Guan
Composites Science and Technology 200, 108445, 2020
Development of an integrated model for prediction of impact and vibration response of hybrid fiber metal laminates with a viscoelastic layer
H Li, Z Li, Z Xiao, X Wang, J Xiong, J Zhou, Z Guan
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 197, 106298, 2021
Vibration transmission characteristics analysis of the parallel fluid-conveying pipes system: numerical and experimental studies
X Guo, H Ge, C Xiao, H Ma, W Sun, H Li
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 177, 109180, 2022
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