Anders Burman
Anders Burman
School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg
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The Political Ontology of Climate Change: Moral Meteorology, Climate Justice, and the Coloniality of Reality in the Bolivian Andes
A Burman
Journal of Political Ecology 24, 921-938, 2017
Chachawarmi: Silence and Rival Voices on Decolonisation and Gender Politics in Andean Bolivia
A Burman
Journal of Latin American Studies 43 (1), 65-91, 2011
Decolonizing the Westernized university: Interventions in philosophy of education from within and without
B de Sousa Santos, K Nimako, N Maldonado-Torres, A Burman, R Aman, ...
Lexington Books, 2016
Places to think with, books to think about
A Burman
Human Architecture: Journal of the sociology of self-knowledge 10 (1), 101-120, 2012
Descolonización aymara: ritualidad y política (2006-2010)
A Burman
Plural editores, 2011
‘Now we are indígenas’: hegemony and indigeneity in the Bolivian Andes
A Burman
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 9 (3), 247-271, 2014
Are anthropologists monsters? An Andean dystopian critique of extractivist ethnography and Anglophone-centric anthropology
A Burman
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 8 (1-2), 48-64, 2018
Toward productive complicity: Applying ‘traditional ecological knowledge’in environmental science
BE Singleton, MB Gillette, A Burman, C Green
The Anthropocene Review 10 (2), 393-414, 2023
Notes on the coloniality of reality in higher education in the Bolivian Andes and beyond
A Burman
Decolonizing the westernized university: Interventions in philosophy of …, 2016
Indigeneity and decolonization in the Bolivian Andes: Ritual practice and activism
A Burman
Lexington Books, 2016
La ontología política del vivir bien
A Burman
Ecología y Reciprocidad:(Con) vivir Bien, desde contextos andinos, 155-173, 2017
Achieving peaceful climate change adaptation through transformative governance
H Leonardsson, A Kronsell, E Andersson, A Burman, R Blanes, ...
World Development 147, 105656, 2021
Descolonización aymara
A Burman
Ritualidad y política (2006-2010) 1, 2011
The strange and the native: Ritual and activism in the aymara quest for decolonization
A Burman
The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 15 (2), 457-475, 2010
Colonialism in Context: An Aymara Reassessment of ‘Colonialism,’‘Coloniality’and the ‘Postcolonial World’
A Burman
Kult 6 (Fall), 117-129, 2009
Black hole indigeneity: the explosion and implosion of radical difference as resistance and power in Andean Bolivia
A Burman
Journal of Political Power 13 (2), 179-200, 2020
Yatiris en el siglo XXI. El conocimiento, la política y la nueva generación
A Burman
Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos. Nouveaux mondes mondes nouveaux-Novo Mundo Mundos …, 2011
As though we had no spirit: ritual, politics and existence in the Aymara quest for decolonization
A Burman
A taste for ecology: class, coloniality, and the rise of a Bolivian urban environmental movement
A Burman
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies 17 (2), 193-218, 2022
Against the episteme of domination and the coloniality of reality: Andean formations of subversive subjectivities, dissident knowledges and rebel realities
A Burman
Educational Alternatives in Latin America: New Modes of Counter-Hegemonic …, 2019
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