Ingrid Kirschning
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Towards mood-oriented interfaces for synchronous interaction
JA Sánchez, I Kirschning, JC Palacio, Y Ostróvskaya
Proceedings of the 2005 Latin American conference on Human-computer …, 2005
Content-based image retrieval using wavelets
L Flores-Pulido, O Starostenko, D Flores-Quéchol, JI Rodrigues-Flores, ...
Proc. 2nd WSEAS Int. Conf. Computer Engineering and Applications, 40-45, 2008
A parallel recurrent cascade-correlation neural network with natural connectionist glue
I Kirschning, H Tomabechi, JI Aoe
Proceedings of ICNN'95-International Conference on Neural Networks 2, 953-956, 1995
A Methodology for the Development of Distance Learning Tasks Adaptable to the Student's Learning Style
E Ferrer, I Kirschning
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 141, 518-523, 2014
Automatic speech recognition with the parallel cascade neural network
AI Kirschning
徳島大学, 1998
Research and development of speech technology & applications for Mexican Spanish at the Tlatoa group
I Kirschning
CHI'01 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 49-50, 2001
Vowel & diphthong tutors for language therapy
I Kirschning, MT Toledo, LE Valadez, D Canizales
Sixth Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC'05), 26-30, 2005
Phoneme recognition using a time-sliced recurrent recognizer
I Kirschning, H Tomabechi
Proceedings of 1994 IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN …, 1994
Edificios Inteligentes
I Kirschning
Fonte: http://ict. udlap. mx/people/ingrid/ingrid/Tesis_EI/EI. html, 1992
The time-sliced paradigm—a connectionist method for continuous speech recognition
I Kirschning, H Tomabechi, M Koyama, JI Aoe
Information sciences 93 (1-2), 133-158, 1996
Fostering digital transformation in education: technology enhanced learning from professors’ experiences in emergency remote teaching
E Mondragon-Estrada, I Kirschning, JA Nolazco-Flores, ...
Frontiers in Education 8, 1250461, 2023
Continuous speech recognition using the time-Sliced paradigm
I Kirschning
ME Thesis, Tokushima University, Dept. of Information Science and …, 1995
Entrenamiento y Evaluación de reconocedores de Voz de Propósito General basados en Redes Neuronales feed-forward y Modelos Ocultos de Markov, Graduate Thesis, Dept
E Clemente, A Vargas, A Olivier, I Kirschning, O Cervantes
Computer Systems Engineering, UDLAP, 2001
Aplicación de Tecnología de Voz en la Enseñanza del Español
I Kirschning, N Aguas, A Ahuactzin
Proceedings of the 1er. Taller Internacional de Tratamiento del Habla …, 2000
Verification of correct pronunciation of Mexican Spanish using speech technology
I Kirschning, N Aguas
Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 493-502, 2000
Síntesis en español mexicano con el método de selección de unidades de longitud variable
L Flores, A Vargas, A Olivier, I Kirschning, O Cervantes
Ingeniería en Sistemas Computacionales, Universidad de las Américas de …, 2001
Evaluación de métodos de determinación automática de una transcripción fonética
A Olivier, I Kirschning
Undergraduate thesis, Dept. of Computer Systems Engineering, Universidad de …, 1999
A step towards speech interfaces-A time-sliced neural network for continuous speech recognition
I Kirschning
Proc. 6th Intl. Conf. of HCI, Yokohama 59, 1995
Supporting web-based scholarship through index cards and annotations
JA Sánchez, LA Flores, I Kirschning, Y Ostróvskaya
Third Latin American Web Congress (LA-WEB'2005), 4 pp., 2005
MICAI 2004: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Third Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mexico City, Mexico, April 26-30, 2004, Proceedings
R Monroy, G Arroyo-Figueroa, LE Sucar, H Sossa
Springer Science & Business Media, 2004
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