Jung-Tae Lee
Jung-Tae Lee
Head of Shopping Search & Discovery, Naver Corp.
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CFGAN: A Generic Collaborative Filtering Framework based on Generative Adversarial Networks
DK Chae, JS Kang, SW Kim, JT Lee
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2018
Bridging lexical gaps between queries and questions on large online Q&A collections with compact translation models
JT Lee, SB Kim, YI Song, HC Rim
Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2008
The contribution of stylistic information to content-based mobile spam filtering
DN Sohn, JT Lee, HC Rim
Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Conference Short Papers, 321-324, 2009
Finding interesting posts in Twitter based on retweet graph analysis
MC Yang, JT Lee, SW Lee, HC Rim
Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2012
Review Sentiment-Guided Scalable Deep Recommender System
D Hyun, C Park, MC Yang, I Song, JT Lee, H Yu
The 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development in …, 2018
Content-based mobile spam classification using stylistically motivated features
DN Sohn, JT Lee, KS Han, HC Rim
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (3), 364-369, 2012
Discovering high-quality threaded discussions in online forums
JT Lee, MC Yang, HC Rim
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 29 (3), 519-531, 2014
A model for evaluating the quality of user-created documents
L Hoang, JT Lee, YI Song, HC Rim
Information Retrieval Technology: 4th Asia Infomation Retrieval Symposium …, 2008
Method and apparatus for extracting advertisement keywords in association with situations of video scenes
HD Lee, JT Lee, H Park, Y Song, H Rim
US Patent 9,043,860, 2015
A new generative opinion retrieval model integrating multiple ranking factors
SW Lee, YI Song, JT Lee, KS Han, HC Rim
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 38, 487-505, 2012
Predicting the quality of answers using surface linguistic features
JT Lee, YI Song, HC Rim
Sixth International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web …, 2007
High precision opinion retrieval using sentiment-relevance flows
SW Lee, JT Lee, YI Song, HC Rim
Proceeding of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2010
신뢰도 자질을 이용한 지식검색 문서의 품질 평가
2007 년도 제 19 회 한글 및 한국어 정보처리 학술대회, 62~ 67 쪽 (총 6 쪽), 2007
Finding advertising keywords on video scripts
JT Lee, H Lee, HS Park, YI Song, HC Rim
Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2009
Using link analysis to discover interesting messages spread across twitter
MC Yang, JT Lee, HC Rim
Workshop Proceedings of TextGraphs-7: Graph-based Methods for Natural …, 2012
Contextual video advertising system using scene information inferred from video scripts
BJ Yi, JT Lee, HW Woo, HC Rim
Proceeding of the 33rd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2010
Combining local and global resources for constructing an error-minimized opinion word dictionary
L Hoang, JT Lee, YI Song, HC Rim
PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 10th Pacific Rim …, 2008
Word or Phrase? Learning Which Unit to Stress for Information Retrieval
YI Song, JT Lee, HC Rim
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL …, 2009
Sentence‐based relevance flow analysis for high accuracy retrieval
JT Lee, J Seo, J Jeon, HC Rim
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62 (9 …, 2011
Your Click Knows It: Predicting User Purchase through Improved User-Item Pairwise Relationship
C Park, D Kim, MC Yang, JT Lee, H Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1706.06716, 2017
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