Debbie Ma
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The Chicago face database: A free stimulus set of faces and norming data
DS Ma, J Correll, B Wittenbrink
Behavior research methods 47, 1122-1135, 2015
Birth cohort increases in psychopathology among young Americans, 1938–2007: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of the MMPI
JM Twenge, B Gentile, CN DeWall, D Ma, K Lacefield, DR Schurtz
Clinical psychology review 30 (2), 145-154, 2010
The police officer's dilemma: A decade of research on racial bias in the decision to shoot
J Correll, SM Hudson, S Guillermo, DS Ma
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 8 (5), 201-213, 2014
Is Kate Winslet more American than Lucy Liu? The impact of construal processes on the implicit ascription of a national identity
T Devos, DS Ma
British Journal of Social Psychology 47 (2), 191-215, 2008
A social scientific approach toward understanding racial disparities in police shooting: Data from the Department of Justice (1980–2000)
K Scott, DS Ma, MS Sadler, J Correll
Journal of Social Issues 73 (4), 701-722, 2017
Residual tobacco smoke pollution in used cars for sale: air, dust, and surfaces
GE Matt, PJE Quintana, MF Hovell, D Chatfield, DS Ma, R Romero, ...
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 10 (9), 1467-1475, 2008
When fatigue turns deadly: The association between fatigue and racial bias in the decision to shoot
DS Ma, J Correll, B Wittenbrink, Y Bar-Anan, N Sriram, BA Nosek
Basic and applied social psychology 35 (6), 515-524, 2013
Target prototypicality moderates racial bias in the decision to shoot
DS Ma, J Correll
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (2), 391-396, 2011
Chicago face database: Multiracial expansion
DS Ma, J Kantner, B Wittenbrink
Behavior Research Methods 53, 1289-1300, 2021
The India Face Set: International and cultural boundaries impact face impressions and perceptions of category membership
A Lakshmi, B Wittenbrink, J Correll, DS Ma
Frontiers in psychology 12, 627678, 2021
How “A merican” is B arack O bama? The Role of National Identity in a Historic Bid for the W hite H ouse
T Devos, DS Ma
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 43 (1), 214-226, 2013
The effects of category and physical features on stereotyping and evaluation
DS Ma, J Correll, B Wittenbrink
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 79, 42-50, 2018
Race signaling features: Identifying markers of racial prototypicality among Asians, Blacks, Latinos, and Whites
DS Ma, K Koltai, RM McManus, A Bernhardt, J Correll, B Wittenbrink
Social Cognition 36 (6), 603-625, 2018
Tobacco use and asking prices of used cars: prevalence, costs, and new opportunities for changing smoking behavior
GE Matt, R Romero, DS Ma, PJE Quintana, MF Hovell, M Donohue, ...
Tobacco Induced Diseases 4, 1-8, 2008
Examining the relationships among categorization, stereotype activation, and stereotype application
HR Rees, DS Ma, JW Sherman
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (4), 499-513, 2020
Hemispheric asymmetry in cross-race face recognition
J Correll, C Lemoine, DS Ma
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (6), 1162-1166, 2011
Perceptual tuning through contact? Contact interacts with perceptual (not memory-based) face-processing ability to predict cross-race recognition
J Correll, DS Ma, JP Davis
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 92, 104058, 2021
Is Barack Obama American enough to be the next President? The role of ethnicity and national identity in American politics
T Devos, DS Ma, T Gaffud
Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Personality and Social …, 2008
Every heart beats true, for the red, white, and blue: National identity predicts voter support
DS Ma, T Devos
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 14 (1), 22-45, 2014
Childhood contact predicts hemispheric asymmetry in cross-race face processing
MM Davis, SM Hudson, DS Ma, J Correll
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 824-830, 2016
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