Jinyoung Min
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How are people enticed to disclose personal information despite privacy concerns in social network sites? The calculus between benefit and cost
J Min, B Kim
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (4 …, 2015
Antecedents of social presence and gratification of social connection needs in SNS: A study of Twitter users and their mobile and non-mobile usage
S Han, J Min, H Lee
International Journal of Information Management 35 (4), 459-471, 2015
Antecedents of application service continuance: A synthesis of satisfaction and trust
J Kim, S Hong, J Min, H Lee
Expert Systems with applications 38 (8), 9530-9542, 2011
Building relationships within corporate SNS accounts through social presence formation
S Han, J Min, H Lee
International Journal of Information Management 36 (6), 945-962, 2016
Roles of alternative and self-oriented perspectives in the context of the continued use of social network sites
YS Kang, J Min, J Kim, H Lee
International Journal of Information Management 33 (3), 496-511, 2013
Employees’ online knowledge sharing: the effects of person-environment fit
LG Pee, J Min
Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (2), 432-453, 2017
Impact of IT investment on firm performance based on technology IT architecture
H Lee, H Choi, J Lee, J Min, H Lee
Procedia Computer Science 91, 652-661, 2016
The distinct roles of dedication-based and constraint-based mechanisms in social networking sites
B Kim, J Min
Internet Research 25 (1), 30-51, 2015
The effect of organizational structure on open innovation: a quadratic equation
J Lee, J Min, H Lee
Procedia Computer Science 91, 492-501, 2016
프라이버시 계산 모형을 적용한 SNS 지속 사용 의도에 대한 연구: 페이스북과 카카오톡 사례 중심으로
민진영, 김병수
Information Systems Review 15 (1), 105-122, 2013
Setting a knowledge boundary across teams: knowledge protection regulation for inter-team coordination and team performance
J Lee, J Min, H Lee
Journal of Knowledge Management 21 (2), 254-274, 2017
Personal information concerns and provision in social network sites: Interplay between secure preservation and true presentation
J Min
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 67 (1), 26-42, 2016
The change in user and IT dynamics: Blogs as IT-enabled virtual self-presentation
J Min, H Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (6), 2339-2351, 2011
Share or send and receive? The impact of team knowledge outflow/inflow with IT support on performance
J Lee, J Min, C Kwak, LG Pee, H Lee
Journal of Knowledge Management 23 (8), 1523-1542, 2019
A study on continued intention of social network services by applying privacy calculus model: Facebook and KakaoTalk cases
J Min, B Kim
Information Systems Review 15 (1), 105-122, 2013
Social network technology (SNT) as a tool and a social actor: from self-verification to SNT use
J Min, Y Yoo, H Hah, H Lee
Internet Research 30 (5), 1329-1351, 2020
이동통신 서비스 지속사용 결정요인에 관한 연구: 자의기반 메커니즘과 구속 기반 메케니즘의 이원적 모형 기반으로: 자의기반 메커니즘과 구속 기반 메케니즘의 이원적 모형 기반으로
강영식, 민진영, 문태성, 이회석
경영학연구 39 (4), 1095-1120, 2010
The effects of interaction between team climates and KMS value perception on knowledge activities: a multilevel socio-technical systems approach
J Min, J Lee, S Ryu, H Lee
Information Technology and Management 23 (1), 1-21, 2022
Setting a knowledge boundary for enhancing work coordination and team performance: Knowledge protection regulation across teams
J Lee, J Min, H Lee
Individuals' Interaction with Organizational Knowledge under Innovative and Affective Team Climates: A Multilevel Approach to Knowledge Adoption and Transformation
J Min, J Lee, S Ryu, H Lee
2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 3515-3524, 2014
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