Ekkehard Neuhaus
Ekkehard Neuhaus
Professor für Pflanzenphysiologie, Universität Kaiserslautern
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Nonphotosynthetic metabolism in plastids
HE Neuhaus, MJ Emes
Annual review of plant biology 51 (1), 111-140, 2000
Vacuolar transporters and their essential role in plant metabolism
E Martinoia, M Maeshima, HE Neuhaus
Journal of experimental botany 58 (1), 83-102, 2007
Molecular Identification and Physiological Characterization of a Novel Monosaccharide Transporter from Arabidopsis Involved in Vacuolar Sugar Transport
A Wormit, O Trentmann, I Feifer, C Lohr, J Tjaden, S Meyer, U Schmidt, ...
The Plant Cell 18 (12), 3476-3490, 2006
Overexpression of the Vacuolar Sugar Carrier AtSWEET16 Modifies Germination, Growth, and Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis
PAW Klemens, K Patzke, J Deitmer, L Spinner, R Le Hir, C Bellini, M Bedu, ...
Plant Physiology 163 (3), 1338-1352, 2013
Leaf fructose content is controlled by the vacuolar transporter SWEET17 in Arabidopsis
F Chardon, M Bedu, F Calenge, PAW Klemens, L Spinner, G Clement, ...
Current Biology 23 (8), 697-702, 2013
Proton‐driven sucrose symport and antiport are provided by the vacuolar transporters SUC4 and TMT1/2
A Schulz, D Beyhl, I Marten, A Wormit, E Neuhaus, G Poschet, M Büttner, ...
The Plant Journal 68 (1), 129-136, 2011
Control analysis of photosynthate partitioning: impact of reduced activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase or plastid phosphoglucomutase on the fluxes to starch and sucrose in …
H Ekkehard Neuhaus, M Stitt
Planta 182, 445-454, 1990
Short-term water stress leads to a stimulation of sucrose synthesis by activating sucrose-phosphate synthase
P Quick, G Siegl, E Neuhaus, R Feil, M Stitt
Planta 177, 535-546, 1989
Biotransformation of triterpenes
K Muffler, D Leipold, MC Scheller, C Haas, J Steingroewer, T Bley, ...
Process Biochemistry 46 (1), 1-15, 2011
The plant homolog to the human sodium/dicarboxylic cotransporter is the vacuolar malate carrier
V Emmerlich, N Linka, T Reinhold, MA Hurth, M Traub, E Martinoia, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (19), 11122-11126, 2003
ATP/ADP translocases: a common feature of obligate intracellular amoebal symbionts related to Chlamydiae and Rickettsiae
S Schmitz-Esser, N Linka, A Collingro, CL Beier, HE Neuhaus, M Wagner, ...
Journal of bacteriology 186 (3), 683-691, 2004
Molecular identification and functional characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial and chloroplastic NAD+ carrier proteins
F Palmieri, B Rieder, A Ventrella, E Blanco, PT Do, A Nunes-Nesi, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 284 (45), 31249-31259, 2009
Impaired pH homeostasis in Arabidopsis lacking the vacuolar dicarboxylate transporter and analysis of carboxylic acid transport across the tonoplast
MA Hurth, SJ Suh, T Kretzschmar, T Geis, M Bregante, F Gambale, ...
Plant Physiology 137 (3), 901-910, 2005
Increased fatty acid production in potato by engineering of acetyl-CoA carboxylase
D Klaus, JB Ohlrogge, HE Neuhaus, P Dörmann
Planta 219, 389-396, 2004
Increased activity of the vacuolar monosaccharide transporter TMT1 alters cellular sugar partitioning, sugar signaling, and seed yield in Arabidopsis
K Wingenter, A Schulz, A Wormit, S Wic, O Trentmann, II Hoermiller, ...
Plant physiology 154 (2), 665-677, 2010
Two Nucleotide Transport Proteins in Chlamydia trachomatis, One for Net Nucleoside Triphosphate Uptake and the Other for Transport of Energy
J Tjaden, HH Winkler, C Schwoppe, M Van Der Laan, T Mohlmann, ...
Journal of bacteriology 181 (4), 1196-1202, 1999
Identification of the transporter responsible for sucrose accumulation in sugar beet taproots
B Jung, F Ludewig, A Schulz, G Meißner, N Wöstefeld, UI Flügge, ...
Nature Plants 1 (1), 1-6, 2015
Decreased-activity mutants of phosphoglucose isomerase in the cytosol and chloroplast of Clarkia xantiana. Impact on mass-action ratios and fluxes to sucrose and …
AL Kruckeberg, HE Neuhaus, R Feil, LD Gottlieb, M Stitt
Biochemical Journal 261 (2), 457-467, 1989
Non-mitochondrial ATP transport
HH Winkler, HE Neuhaus
Trends in biochemical sciences 24 (2), 64-68, 1999
The tonoplast copper transporter COPT5 acts as an exporter and is required for interorgan allocation of copper in Arabidopsis thaliana
S Klaumann, SD Nickolaus, SH Fürst, S Starck, S Schneider, ...
New Phytologist 192 (2), 393-404, 2011
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