Richard Meagher
Richard Meagher
Professor, Genetics Department, University of Georgia
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Phytoremediation of toxic elemental and organic pollutants
RB Meagher
Current opinion in plant biology 3 (2), 153-162, 2000
Engineering tolerance and hyperaccumulation of arsenic in plants by combining arsenate reductase and γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase expression
OP Dhankher, Y Li, BP Rosen, J Shi, D Salt, JF Senecoff, NA Sashti, ...
Nature biotechnology 20 (11), 1140-1145, 2002
Mercuric ion reduction and resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants expressing a modified bacterial merA gene.
CL Rugh, HD Wilde, NM Stack, DM Thompson, AO Summers, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 93 (8), 3182-3187, 1996
Development of transgenic yellow poplar for mercury phytoremediation
CL Rugh, JF Senecoff, RB Meagher, SA Merkle
Nature biotechnology 16 (10), 925-928, 1998
Strong, constitutive expression of the Arabidopsis ACT2/ACT8 actin subclass in vegetative tissues
YQ An, JM McDowell, S Huang, EC McKinney, S Chambliss, RB Meagher
The Plant Journal 10 (1), 107-121, 1996
Phytodetoxification of hazardous organomercurials by genetically engineered plants
SP Bizily, CL Rugh, RB Meagher
Nature biotechnology 18 (2), 213-217, 2000
Phytoremediation of methylmercury pollution: merB expression in Arabidopsis thaliana confers resistance to organomercurials
SP Bizily, CL Rugh, AO Summers, RB Meagher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (12), 6808-6813, 1999
Protein expression in E. coli minicells by recombinant plasmids
RB Meagher, RC Tait, M Betlach, HW Boyer
Cell 10 (3), 521-536, 1977
Repression of Flowering in Arabidopsis Requires Activation of FLOWERING LOCUS C Expression by the Histone Variant H2A.Z
RB Deal, CN Topp, EC McKinney, RB Meagher
The Plant Cell 19 (1), 74-83, 2007
Overexpression of phytochelatin synthase in Arabidopsis leads to enhanced arsenic tolerance and cadmium hypersensitivity
Y Li, OP Dhankher, L Carreira, D Lee, A Chen, JI Schroeder, RS Balish, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 45 (12), 1787-1797, 2004
Hyperaccumulation of arsenic in the shoots of Arabidopsis silenced for arsenate reductase (ACR2)
OP Dhankher, BP Rosen, EC McKinney, RB Meagher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (14), 5413-5418, 2006
The nucleotide sequence, expression, and evolution of one member of a multigene family encoding the small subunit of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase in soybean.
SL Berry-Lowe, TD Mc Knight, DM Shah, RB Meagher
Journal of Molecular and Applied Genetics 1 (6), 483-498, 1982
Phytoremediation of mercury-and methylmercury-polluted soils using genetically engineered plants
ACP Heaton, CL Rugh, N Wang, RB Meagher
Journal of soil contamination 7 (4), 497-509, 1998
Sequence‐based identification of T‐DNA insertion mutations in Arabidopsis: actin mutants act2‐1 and act4‐1
EC McKinney, N Ali, A Traut, KA Feldmann, DA Belostotsky, JM McDowell, ...
The Plant Journal 8 (4), 613-622, 1995
The molecular evolution of actin
RC Hightower, RB Meagher
Genetics 114 (1), 315-332, 1986
Complete nucleotide sequence of a soybean actin gene
DM Shah, RC Hightower, RB Meagher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 79 (4), 1022-1026, 1982
Structure and Evolution of the Actin Gene Family in Arabidopsis thaliana
JM McDowell, S Huang, EC McKinney, YQ An, RB Meagher
Genetics 142 (2), 587-602, 1996
Gene structure and molecular analysis of the laccase-like multicopper oxidase (LMCO) gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana
BC McCaig, RB Meagher, JFD Dean
Planta 221, 619-636, 2005
A gene encoding a novel glycine-rich structural protein of petunia
CM Condit, RB Meagher
Nature 323 (6084), 178-181, 1986
Actin‐organelle interaction: Association with chloroplast in Arabidopsis leaf mesophyll cells
MK Kandasamy, RB Meagher
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 44 (2), 110-118, 1999
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