Yilin Gui
Yilin Gui
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Experimental investigation on mechanical damage characteristics of sandstone under triaxial cyclic loading
SQ Yang, PG Ranjith, YH Huang, PF Yin, HW Jing, YL Gui, QL Yu
Geophysical Journal International 201 (2), 662-682, 2015
Modelling the dynamic failure of brittle rocks using a hybrid continuum-discrete element method with a mixed-mode cohesive fracture model
YL Gui, HH Bui, J Kodikara, QB Zhang, J Zhao, T Rabczuk
International Journal of Impact Engineering 87, 146-155, 2016
A numerical model of fully grouted bolts considering the tri-linear shear bond–slip model
S Ma, Z Zhao, W Nie, Y Gui
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 54, 73-80, 2016
Numerical modelling of laboratory soil desiccation cracking using UDEC with a mix-mode cohesive fracture model
YL Gui, ZY Zhao, J Kodikara, HH Bui, SQ Yang
Engineering Geology 202, 14-23, 2016
Directly searching method for slip plane and its influential factors based on critical state of slope
H Lin, P Cao, F Gong, J Li, Y Gui
Journal of Central South University of Technology 16 (1), 131-135, 2009
New observations on the application of LS-SVM in slope system reliability analysis
J Ji, C Zhang, Y Gui, Q Lü, J Kodikara
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 31 (2), 06016002, 2017
Numerical investigation of the direct tensile behaviour of laminated and transversely isotropic rocks containing incipient bedding planes with different strengths
J Shang, K Duan, Y Gui, K Handley, Z Zhao
Computers and Geotechnics 104, 373-388, 2018
Attenuation of rock blasting induced ground vibration in rock-soil interface
B Jayasinghe, Z Zhao, ATC Goh, H Zhou, Y Gui
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 11 (4), 770-778, 2019
Strength, Deformability and X-ray Micro-CT Observations of Deeply Buried Marble Under Different Confining Pressures
SQ Yang, Y Ju, F Gao, YL Gui
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49 (11), 4227–4244, 2016
An application of a cohesive fracture model combining compression, tension and shear in soft rocks
Y Gui, HH Bui, J Kodikara
Computers and Geotechnics 66, 142-157, 2015
Modelling of laboratory soil desiccation cracking using DLSM with a two-phase bond model
Y Gui, GF Zhao
Computers and Geotechnics 69, 578-587, 2015
Pile response subjected to rock blasting induced ground vibration near soil-rock interface
LB Jayasinghe, HY Zhou, ATC Goh, ZY Zhao, YL Gui
Computers and Geotechnics 82, 1-15, 2017
Blast wave induced spatial variation of ground vibration considering field geological conditions
YL Gui, ZY Zhao, LB Jayasinghe, HY Zhou, ATC Goh, M Tao
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 101, 63-68, 2018
Deformation properties of coarse-grained sulfate saline soil under the freeze-thaw-precipitation cycle
S Zhang, J Zhang, Y Gui, W Chen, Z Dai
Cold Regions Science and Technology 177, 103121, 2020
Numerical investigation of the opening effect on the mechanical behaviours in rocks under uniaxial loading using hybrid continuum discrete element method
YL Gui, ZY Zhao, C Zhang, SQ Ma
Computers and Geotechnics 90, 55-72, 2017
The grain effect of intact rock modelling using discrete element method with Voronoi grains
YL Gui, ZY Zhao, J Ji, XM Wang, KP Zhou, SQ Ma
Géotechnique Letters 6 (2), 136-143, 2016
Experimental study of mechanical behavior and X-ray micro CT observation of sandstone under conventional triaxial compression
SQ Yang, PG Ranjith, YL Gui
Geotechnical Tesing Journal 38 (2), 179-197, 2015
A Kernel Extreme Learning Machine-Grey Wolf Optimizer (KELM-GWO) Model to Predict Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rock
C Li, J Zhou, D Dias, Y Gui
Applied Sciences 12 (17), 8468, 2022
Numerical modelling of a field soil desiccation test using a cohesive fracture model with Voronoi tessellations
YL Gui, W Hu, ZY Zhao, X Zhu
Acta Geotechnica 13 (1), 87-102, 2018
Prediction of blasting induced air-overpressure using a radial basis function network with an additional hidden layer
R Zhang, Y Li, Y Gui, J Zhou
Applied Soft Computing 127 (109343), 1-14, 2022
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