Antonello Carta
Antonello Carta
Agris Sardegna
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Large-scale mitochondrial DNA analysis of the domestic goat reveals six haplogroups with high diversity
S Naderi, HR Rezaei, P Taberlet, S Zundel, SA Rafat, HR Naghash, ...
PloS one 2 (10), e1012, 2007
Invited review: Current state of genetic improvement in dairy sheep
A Carta, S Casu, S Salaris
Journal of dairy science 92 (12), 5814-5833, 2009
Using cluster analysis to characterize the goat farming system in Sardinia
MG Usai, S Casu, G Molle, M Decandia, S Ligios, A Carta
Livestock Science 104 (1-2), 63-76, 2006
Mapping quantitative trait loci for milk production and genetic polymorphisms of milk proteins in dairy sheep
F Barillet, JJ Arranz, A Carta
Genetics selection evolution 37 (Suppl. 1), S109-S123, 2005
Cryobanking of farm animal gametes and embryos as a means of conserving livestock genetics
L Mara, S Casu, A Carta, M Dattena
Animal Reproduction Science 138 (1-2), 25-38, 2013
Genetic diversity of Italian goat breeds assessed with a medium-density SNP chip
L Nicoloso, L Bomba, L Colli, R Negrini, M Milanesi, R Mazza, T Sechi, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 47, 1-10, 2015
Estimating lactation curves and seasonal effects for milk, fat and protein in Sarda dairy sheep with a test day model
A Carta, SR Sanna, S Casu
Livestock Production Science 44 (1), 37-44, 1995
Feasibility of a linear scoring method of udder morphology for the selection scheme of Sardinian sheep
S Casu, I Pernazza, A Carta
Journal of dairy science 89 (6), 2200-2209, 2006
Genome‐wide analysis of I talian sheep diversity reveals a strong geographic pattern and cryptic relationships between breeds
E Ciani, P Crepaldi, L Nicoloso, E Lasagna, FM Sarti, B Moioli, ...
Animal Genetics 45 (2), 256-266, 2014
Conservation status and historical relatedness of Italian cattle breeds
S Mastrangelo, E Ciani, P Ajmone Marsan, A Bagnato, L Battaglini, ...
Genetics Selection Evolution 50, 1-16, 2018
Landscape genomics and biased FST approaches reveal single nucleotide polymorphisms under selection in goat breeds of North-East Mediterranean
L Pariset, S Joost, PA Marsan, A Valentini, ...
BMC genetics 10, 1-8, 2009
Sheep with scrapie and mastitis transmit infectious prions through the milk
C Ligios, MG Cancedda, A Carta, C Santucciu, C Maestrale, F Demontis, ...
Journal of virology 85 (2), 1136-1139, 2011
Investigating the genetic component of fatty acid content in sheep milk
A Carta, S Casu, MG Usai, M Addis, M Fiori, A Fraghì, S Miari, L Mura, ...
Small Ruminant Research 79 (1), 22-28, 2008
Phenotypic and genetic relationships between udder morphology and udder health in dairy ewes
S Casu, S Sechi, SL Salaris, A Carta
Small Ruminant Research 88 (2-3), 77-83, 2010
Ovine acyl CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1– molecular characterization, polymorphisms and association with milk traits
MC Scata, F Napolitano, S Casu, A Carta, G De Matteis, F Signorelli, ...
Animal Genetics 40 (5), 737-742, 2009
(Co) variance component estimates for milk composition traits in Sarda dairy sheep using a bivariate animal model
SR Sanna, A Carta, S Casu
Small Ruminant Research 25 (1), 77-82, 1997
The climatic and genetic heritage of Italian goat breeds with genomic SNP data
M Cortellari, M Barbato, A Talenti, A Bionda, A Carta, R Ciampolini, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 10986, 2021
Microsatellite diversity of the Nordic type of goats in relation to breed conservation: how relevant is pure ancestry?
JA Lenstra, J Tigchelaar, I Biebach, Econogene Consortium, JH Hallsson, ...
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 134 (1), 78-84, 2017
Effects of anthelmintic treatment on milk production in Sarda dairy ewes naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematodes
S Sechi, M Giobbe, G Sanna, S Casu, A Carta, A Scala
Small Ruminant Research 88 (2-3), 145-150, 2010
QTLs for resistance to internal parasites in two designs based on natural and experimental conditions of infection.
CR Moreno, L Gruner, A Scala, L Mura, L Schibler, Y Amigues, T Sechi, ...
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