Kalil Bernardino
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Emergence of complexity in hierarchically organized chiral particles
W Jiang, Z Qu, P Kumar, D Vecchio, Y Wang, Y Ma, JH Bahng, ...
Science 368 (6491), 642-648, 2020
Enhanced optical asymmetry in supramolecular chiroplasmonic assemblies with long-range order
J Lu, Y Xue, K Bernardino, NN Zhang, WR Gomes, NS Ramesar, S Liu, ...
Science 371 (6536), 1368-1374, 2021
Effect of alkyl-group flexibility on the melting point of imidazolium-based ionic liquids
K Bernardino, Y Zhang, MCC Ribeiro, EJ Maginn
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (4), 2020
Aggregation thermodynamics of sodium octanoate micelles studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations
K Bernardino, AF de Moura
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117 (24), 7324-7334, 2013
Surface electrostatic potential and water orientation in the presence of sodium octanoate dilute monolayers studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations
K Bernardino, AF de Moura
Langmuir 31 (40), 10995-11004, 2015
Thermodynamic insights into the self-assembly of capped nanoparticles using molecular dynamic simulations
AF de Moura, K Bernardino, CJ Dalmaschio, ER Leite, NA Kotov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (5), 3820-3831, 2015
Low-temperature phase transitions of the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium dicyanamide
K Bernardino, TA Lima, MCC Ribeiro
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 123 (44), 9418-9427, 2019
Solvation of sodium octanoate micelles in concentrated urea solution studied by means of molecular dynamics simulations
AF de Moura, K Bernardino, OV de Oliveira, LCG Freitas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 115 (49), 14582-14590, 2011
Role of density and electrostatic interactions in the viscosity and non-newtonian behavior of ionic liquids–a molecular dynamics study
K Bernardino, MCC Ribeiro
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (11), 6866-6879, 2022
Vibrational spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulation of choline oxyanions salts
ÍFT de Souza, VH Paschoal, K Bernardino, TA Lima, LL Daemen, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 340, 117100, 2021
Ion pair free energy surface as a probe of ionic liquid structure
K Bernardino, K Goloviznina, MC Gomes, AAH Pádua, MCC Ribeiro
The Journal of Chemical Physics 152 (1), 2020
Pressure and shear rate effects on viscosity and structure of imidazolium-based ionic liquids
K Bernardino, MCC Ribeiro
Fluid Phase Equilibria 554, 113345, 2022
Hydrogen-bonding and symmetry breaking in the protic ionic liquid 1-ethylimidazolium nitrate
K Bernardino, MCC Ribeiro
Vibrational Spectroscopy 120, 103358, 2022
Electrostatic potential and counterion partition between flat and spherical interfaces
K Bernardino, A Farias de Moura
The Journal of Chemical Physics 150 (7), 2019
Optical anisotropy and sign reversal in layer-by-layer assembled films from chiral nanoparticles
Z Liang, K Bernardino, J Han, Y Zhou, K Sun, AF de Moura, NA Kotov
Faraday Discussions 191, 141-157, 2016
Relating the structure and dynamics of ionic liquids under shear by means of reverse non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations
K Bernardino, MCC Ribeiro
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (25), 13984-13995, 2021
Themis: a software to assess association free energies via direct estimative of partition functions
F Colombari, A Lozada-Blanco, K Bernardino, W Gomes, AF de Moura
Pinpointing disulfide connectivities in cysteine-rich proteins
K Bernardino, MEF Pinto, VS Bolzani, AF De Moura, JMB Junior
Chemical Communications 53 (53), 7337-7340, 2017
Confined ionic liquids films under shear: The importance of the chemical nature of the solid surface
K Bernardino, MCC Ribeiro
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (9), 2023
Graph Theoretical Description of Phase Transitions in Complex Multiscale Phases with Supramolecular Assemblies
R Yang, K Bernardino, X Xiao, WR Gomes, DA Mattoso, NA Kotov, ...
Advanced Science 11 (33), 2402464, 2024
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