Amanda Kay Montoya
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Why are some STEM fields more gender balanced than others?
S Cheryan, SA Ziegler, AK Montoya, L Jiang
Psychological bulletin 143 (1), 1, 2017
The analysis of mechanisms and their contingencies: PROCESS versus structural equation modeling
AF Hayes, AK Montoya, NJ Rockwood
Australasian Marketing Journal 25 (1), 76-81, 2017
Two-condition within-participant statistical mediation analysis: A path-analytic framework.
AK Montoya, AF Hayes
Psychological Methods 22 (1), 6, 2017
Moderation analysis in two-instance repeated measures designs: Probing methods and multiple moderator models
AK Montoya
Behavior research methods 51, 61-82, 2019
The poor fit of model fit for selecting number of factors in exploratory factor analysis for scale evaluation
AK Montoya, MC Edwards
Educational and psychological measurement 81 (3), 413-440, 2021
Correcting the bias correction for the bootstrap confidence interval in mediation analysis
TD Tibbe, AK Montoya
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 810258, 2022
Selecting a within-or between-subject design for mediation: Validity, causality, and statistical power
AK Montoya
Multivariate Behavioral Research 58 (3), 616-636, 2023
MIMIC models for uniform and nonuniform DIF as moderated mediation models
AK Montoya, M Jeon
Applied psychological measurement 44 (2), 118-136, 2020
Extending the Johnson-Neyman procedure to categorical independent variables: Mathematical derivations and computational tools
AK Montoya
The Ohio State University, 2016
The dark side of fluency: Fluent names increase drug dosing.
S Dohle, AK Montoya
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 23 (3), 231, 2017
Opening the door to registered reports: census of journals publishing registered reports (2013–2020)
AK Montoya, WLD Krenzer, JL Fossum
Collabra: Psychology 7 (1), 24404, 2021
Techniques and solutions for sample size determination in psychology: supplementary material for “power to detect what? Considerations for planning and evaluating sample size”
CL Aberson, DH Bostyn, T Carpenter, BG Conrique, R Giner-Sorolla, ...
Unpublished manuscript, 2020
Conditional process analysis for two-instance repeated-measures designs.
AK Montoya
Psychological Methods, 2024
Does the follow-your-passions ideology cause greater academic and occupational gender disparities than other cultural ideologies?
JO Siy, AL Germano, L Vianna, J Azpeitia, S Yan, AK Montoya, S Cheryan
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2023
Estimating and testing indirect effects in within-subject mediation analysis: A path-analytic framework
AK Montoya, AF Hayes
Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, New York, NY, 2015
A guide for social science journal editors on easing into open science
P Silverstein, C Elman, A Montoya, B McGillivray, CR Pennington, ...
Research integrity and peer review 9 (1), 2, 2024
When to use different inferential methods for power analysis and data analysis for between-subjects mediation
JL Fossum, AK Montoya
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6 (2 …, 2023
Fitness, sleep-disordered breathing, symptoms of depression, and cognition in inactive overweight children: mediation models
MMK Stojek, AK Montoya, CF Drescher, A Newberry, Z Sultan, ...
Public Health Reports 132 (2_suppl), 65S-73S, 2017
Construals of self and group: How racial nominalism can promote adaptive intergroup outcomes for interdependent selves
J Tawa, AK Montoya
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 22 (7), 1002-1020, 2019
App-based mindfulness meditation for people of color who experience race-related stress: protocol for a randomized controlled trial
G Ramos, A Aguilera, A Montoya, A Lau, CY Wen, VC Torres, D Chavira
JMIR Research Protocols 11 (4), e35196, 2022
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