boguslaw bieda
boguslaw bieda
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Application of stochastic approach based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for life cycle inventory (LCI) to the steel process chain: Case study
B Bieda
Science of the Total Environment 481, 649-655, 2014
Life cycle inventory processes of the ArcelorMittal Poland (AMP) SA in Kraków, Poland—basic oxygen furnace steel production: a case study
B Bieda
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17, 463-470, 2012
Stochastic analysis in production process and ecology under uncertainty
B Bieda
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Life cycle inventory processes of the Mittal Steel Poland (MSP) SA in Krakow, Poland—blast furnace pig iron production—a case study
B Bieda
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17, 787-794, 2012
Stochastic approach to municipal solid waste landfill life based on the contaminant transit time modeling using the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation
B Bieda
Science of the total environment 442, 489-496, 2013
Project cost analysis for Niepolomice municipal solid waste using the Monte Carlo simulation
W Wajs, B Bieda, R Tadeusiewicz
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 45, 2000
Stochastic approach based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation used for Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) uncertainty analysis in Rare Earth Elements (REEs) recovery
D Sala, B Bieda
E3S Web of Conferences 349, 01013, 2022
Life cycle inventory processes of the integrated steel plant (ISP) in Krakow, Poland – coke production, a case study
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20 (8), 1089–1101, 2015
Decision support systems based on the Life Cycle Inventory for Municipal Solid Waste management under uncertainty
B Bieda, R Tadeusiewicz
International Transactions in Operational Research 15 (1), 103-119, 2008
Application of uncertainty analysis based on Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for life cycle inventory (LCI)
D Sala, B Bieda
Inżynieria Mineralna 21 (2/2), 264-269, 2019
Life cycle inventory of energy production in ArcelorMittal steel power plant Poland SA in Krakow, Poland
B Bieda
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 16, 503-511, 2011
Screening Life Cycle Assessment of beneficiation processes for Rare Earth Elements recovery from secondary sources
K Grzesik, K Kossakowska, B Bieda, R Kozakiewicz
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 214 (1), 012068, 2019
Life cycle inventory processes of the integrated steel plant (ISP) in Krakow, Poland-continuous casting of steel (CCS): a case study
B Bieda, I Skalna, B Gaweł, K Grzesik, A Henclik, D Sala
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23, 1274-1285, 2018
Decision support systems based on the economic feasibility assessment for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management under Uncertainty using SimLab® toolpack
B Bieda
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 2 (6), 7609-7610, 2010
Stochastic Assessment by Monte Carlo Simulation for LCI applied to steel process chain: The ArcelorMittal Steel Poland SA in Krakow, Poland case study.
B Bieda
EnviroInfo, 787-798, 2011
The thermal waste treatment plant in kraków, Poland: a case study
D Sala, B Bieda
Innov. Glob. Green Technol 2020, 1e18, 2020
Life cycle inventory (LCI) modeling of municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems in Kosodrza, community of Ostrów, Poland: a case study
D Sala, B Bieda
Municipal Solid Waste Management, 10, 2019
Decision support systems based on the life cycle inventory (LCI)–part of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for municipal solid waste (MSW) management case study
B Bieda
Archiwum Gospodarki Odpadami i Ochrony Środowiska 4, 13-32, 2006
Linear programming and risk analysis methods for municipal solid waste decision support system
W Wajs, B Bieda, R Tadeusiewicz
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 34 (18), 187-192, 2001
Goal and scope and its evolution for Life Cycle Assessment of Rare Earth Elements recovery from secondary sources
K Grzesik, B Bieda, R Kozakiewicz, K Kossakowska
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 17, 107-114, 2017
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