Aluh Nikmatullah
Aluh Nikmatullah
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Effect of seaweed extracts on growth and yield of rice plants
Asian Journal of Tropical Biotechnology 8 (1), 2011
Genetic diversity of Kappaphycus Doty and Eucheuma J. Agardh (Solieriaceae, Rhodophyta) in Southeast Asia
PE Lim, J Tan, SM Phang, A Nikmatullah, DD Hong, H Sunarpi, ...
Journal of applied phycology 26 (2), 1253-1272, 2014
Kappaphycus malesianus sp. nov.: a new species of Kappaphycus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) from Southeast Asia
J Tan, PE Lim, SM Phang, A Rahiman, A Nikmatullah, H Sunarpi, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 26, 1273-1285, 2014
Pelatihan teknik dasar kultur jaringan tumbuhan
R Kurnianingsih, M Ghazali, S Rosidah, A Muspiah, SP Astuti, ...
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) 4 (5), 888-896, 2020
Kunitz Proteinase Inhibitors Limit Water Stress Responses in White Clover (Trifolium repens L.) Plants
A Islam, S Leung, A Nikmatullah, PP Dijkwel, MT McManus
Frontiers in Plant Science 8, 1683, 2017
Seaweed Fertilizer Prepared by EM-Fermentation Increases Abundance of Beneficial Soil Microbiome in Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) during Vegetative Stage
ES Prasedya, NSH Kurniawan, IAP Kirana, N Ardiana, AS Abidin, ...
Fermentation 8 (2), 46, 2022
Diversity of Gyrinops versteegii from several agarwood plantation on Lombok Island (Indonesia) as raw material of Gyrinops tea
IGAS Wangiyana, S SUPRIADI, A Nikmatullah, S SUNARPI, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (1), 2022
Evaluating economic costs and benefits of climate resilient livelihood strategies
S Liu, J Connor, JRA Butler, IKD Jaya, A Nikmatullah
Climate Risk Management 12, 115-129, 2016
Evidence for the presence of growth-promoting factors in Lombok Turbinaria murayana extract stimulating growth and yield of tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)
H Sunarpi, R Kurnianingsih, M Ghazali, RA Fanani, AL Sunarwidhi, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition 43 (12), 1813-1823, 2020
Phytohormone content in brown macroalgae Sargassum from Lombok coast, Indonesia
H Sunarpi, A Nikmatullah, Y Ambana, BTK Ilhami, AS Abidin, N Ardiana, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 712 (1), 012042, 2021
Combination of inorganic and organic fertilizer in rice plants (Oryza sativa) in screen houses
H Sunarpi, A Nikmatullah, AL Sunarwidhi, A Jihadi, BTK Ilhami, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 712 (1), 012035, 2021
Analysis of leaf chlorophyll content of paddy plants during vegetative stage grown in soil media containing macroalgae organic fertilizer
NSH Kurniawan, IAP Kirana, AS Abidin, A Jupri, S Widyastuti, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 913 (1), 012025, 2021
Growth and yield of rice plants (Oryza sativa) grown in soil media containing several doses of inorganic fertilizers and sprayed with lombok brown algae extracts
H Sunarpi, A Nikmatullah, AL Sunarwidhi, I Sapitri, BTK Ilhami, ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 594 (1), 012032, 2020
Variability of secondary metabolites from leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana obtained from different locations in Sumbawa, Indonesia
I Nairfana, A Nikmatullah, M Sarjan, A Tandeang
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (9), 2022
Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of Gyrinops tea from agarwood plantation on Lombok island, Indonesia
I Wangiyana, A Nikmatullah, DS Putri, S Rosidah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 712 (1), 012029, 2021
Effect of inorganic fertilizer and brown alga solid ectract on growth and yield of rice plants
H Sunarpi, SA Pebriani, Y Ambana, FE Putri, A Nikmatullah, M Ghazali, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2199 (1), 2019
Pengaruh berbagai macam media terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam.) asal stek batang
S Sawaludin, A Nikmatullah, BB Santoso
Jurnal Sains Teknologi dan Lingkungan 4 (1), 485142, 2018
Growth and yield of apical stem cuttings of white potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) derived from disease-free G0 plants.
A Nikmatullah, I Ramadhan, M Sarjan
Journal of Applied Horticulture 20 (2), 2018
Pengaruh Kosentrasi dan Frekuensi Pemberian Pupuk Hayati Bio-EXTRIM Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Wortel (Daucus carota L.) dalam Pot di Dataran Rendah
R Amalia, A Nikmatullah, K Zawani
Jurnal Sains Teknologi & Lingkungan 5 (2), 112-122, 2019
The Antiproliferative and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of the Red Macroalgae Gelidium latifolium Extract against Melanoma Cells
ES Prasedya, N Ardiana, H Padmi, BTK Ilhami, NWR Martyasari, ...
Molecules 26 (21), 6568, 2021
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