Claudia Prezzi
Claudia Prezzi
Sonstige NamenClaudia Beatriz Prezzi, Claudia B. Prezzi
Vicedirector Instituto de Geociencias de Buenos Aires (IGeBA) (Buenos Aires University - CONICET)
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3D density model of the Central Andes
CB Prezzi, HJ Götze, S Schmidt
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 177 (3-4), 217-234, 2009
Inherited basement structures and their influence in foreland evolution: a case study in Central Patagonia, Argentina
EM Renda, D Alvarez, C Prezzi, S Oriolo, H Vizan
Tectonophysics 772, 228232, 2019
Review of Curie point depth determination through different spectral methods applied to magnetic data
P Núñez Demarco, C Prezzi, L Sánchez Bettucci
Geophysical Journal International 224 (1), 17-39, 2021
New paleomagnetic data from the northern Argentine Puna: Central Andes rotation pattern reanalyzed
CB Prezzi, RN Alonso
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B2), EPM 1-1-EPM 1-18, 2002
Aeromagnetic patterns in Southern Uruguay: Precambrian-Mesozoic dyke swarms and Mesozoic rifting structural and tectonic evolution
PN Demarco, H Masquelin, C Prezzi, T Aifa, R Muzio, J Loureiro, E Peel, ...
Tectonophysics 789, 228373, 2020
Paleotethys slab pull, self-lubricated weak lithospheric zones, poloidal and toroidal plate motions, and Gondwana tectonics
H Vizán, CB Prezzi, SE Geuna, MS Japas, EM Renda, J Franzese, ...
Geosphere 13 (5), 1541-1554, 2017
Seismicity near the slip maximum of the 1960 Mw 9.5 Valdivia earthquake (Chile): Plate interface lock and reactivation of the subducted Valdivia Fracture Zone
Y Dzierma, M Thorwart, W Rabbel, C Siegmund, D Comte, K Bataille, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B6), 2012
3D data-derived lithospheric structure of the Central Andes and its implications for deformation: Insights from gravity and geodynamic modelling
F Ibarra, S Liu, C Meeßen, CB Prezzi, J Bott, M Scheck-Wenderoth, ...
Tectonophysics 766, 453-468, 2019
Ground magnetic survey of a municipal solid waste landfill: pilot study in Argentina
C Prezzi, MJ Orgeira, H Ostera, CA Vasquez
Environmental Geology 47, 889-897, 2005
Igneous-metamorphic basement of Taquetrén Range, patagonia, Argentina: A key locality for the reconstruction of the paleozoic evolution of patagonia
EM Renda, PD González, H Vizán, S Oriolo, C Prezzi, VR González, ...
Journal of South American Earth Sciences 106, 103045, 2021
Flexural isostasy in the Bolivian Andes: Chaco foreland basin development
CB Prezzi, CE Uba, HJ Götze
Tectonophysics 474 (3-4), 526-543, 2009
New paleomagnetic data from the northern Puna and western Cordillera Oriental, Argentina: a new insight on the timing of rotational deformation
C Prezzi, PJ Caffe, R Somoza
Journal of Geodynamics 38 (2), 93-115, 2004
Distribution of temperature and strength in the Central Andean lithosphere and its relationship to seismicity and active deformation
F Ibarra, CB Prezzi, J Bott, M Scheck‐Wenderoth, MR Strecker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (5), e2020JB021231, 2021
Evolution of the Paleozoic Claromecó Basin (Argentina) and geodynamic implications for the southwestern margin of Gondwana: Insights from isostatic, gravimetric and …
CB Prezzi, H Vizan, S Vázquez, E Renda, S Oriolo, MS Japas
Tectonophysics 742, 120-136, 2018
Potential-field filters for gravity and magnetic interpretation: a review
P Núñez-Demarco, A Bonilla, L Sánchez-Bettucci, C Prezzi
Surveys in Geophysics 44 (3), 603-664, 2023
Lithospheric density structure of the southern Central Andes constrained by 3D data-integrative gravity modelling
C Rodriguez Piceda, M Scheck Wenderoth, ML Gomez Dacal, J Bott, ...
International Journal of Earth Sciences 110 (7), 2333-2359, 2021
New evidence of clockwise vertical axis rotations south of the Arica elbow (Argentine Puna)
CB Prezzi, JF Vilas
Tectonophysics 292 (1-2), 85-100, 1998
Thermal and geodynamic contributions to the elevation of the Altiplano–Puna plateau
C Prezzi, MPI Llanos, HJ Götze, S Schmidt
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 237, 51-64, 2014
Statistics of major Chilean earthquakes recurrence
V Silbergleit, C Prezzi
Natural Hazards 62, 445-458, 2012
The thermo-mechanical state of the Andes in the Altiplano-Puna region: insights from Curie isotherm and effective elastic thickness determination
F Ibarra, CB Prezzi
Asociación Geológica Argentina, 2019
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