Klara Öberg
Klara Öberg
Senior lecturer Halmstad University
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Articulations of deportability: Changing migration policies in Sweden 2015/2016
K Öberg, M Sager
Refugee Review 3, 2-14, 2017
Governing displaced migration in Europe: housing and the role of the “local”
N Meer, C Dimaio, E Hill, M Angeli, K Oberg, H Emilsson
Comparative Migration Studies 9, 1-17, 2021
Irreguljär migration i Sverige. Rättigheter, vardagserfarenheter, motstånd och statliga kategoriseringar
M Sager, H Holgersson, K Öberg
Daidalos, 2016
Housing for refugees in Sweden: Top-down governance and its local reactions
H Emilsson, K Öberg
Journal of International Migration and Integration 23 (2), 613-631, 2022
The role of civil society in the integration of newly arrived refugees in Sweden
S Osanami Törngren, K Öberg, E Righard
FEPS: Foundation for European Progressive Studies, 2018
Integration governance in Sweden: accommodation, regeneration and exclusion
E Righard, K Öberg
Governance and the Local Integration of Migrants and Europe’s Refugees, 2019
Om det deportabla prekariatet, alienering och sociala relationer
K Öberg
Irreguljär migration i Sverige: Rättigheter, vardagserfarenheter, motstånd …, 2016
Introduktion: Irreguljär migration i Sverige
M Sager, H Holgersson, K Öberg
Daidalos, 2016
Language education for asylum seekers and refugees in Sweden: Provision and governance
E Righard, H Emilsson, K Öberg
Malmö universitet, 2019
Jakt på papperslösa gör oss till en polisstat
J Lind, P Djampour, M Sager, E Söderman, V Nordling, D Mulinari, ...
The production of deportability
K Öberg
Social Transformations in Scandinavian Cities. Nordic Perspectives on Urban …, 2015
Meanings of social networks and the local productions of deportability: the example of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the informal labor market in Gothenburg, Sweden
K Öberg
Paris, EHESS, 2015
waiting in and for the welfare state
M Norstedt, S Lundberg, P Mulinari, V Nordling, K Öberg
European Journal of Social Work 25 (6), 939-944, 2022
International Migration and Economic Informalization
Z Slavnic, K Öberg
Critical Sociology 51 (1), 7-16, 2025
Articulations of racialisation and the continuum of deportability. Migration political changes in Sweden 2015/2016
M Sager, K Öberg
International Conference on Migration, Irregularisation and Activism …, 2016
Irregularity across asylum and labour. Understanding the construction of migrant irregularity in the Swedish context.
M Sager, K Öberg
Spaces and tactics of politics: Transnational connections, neoliberalisation …, 2015
Articulations of deportability. Changing migration policies in Sweden 2015/2016 Maja Sager1
K Öberg
Refugee Review Special Focus Labour, 2, 0
Border regimes and unfair conditions for Eastern European migrant workers in the Swedish construction sector-a labour process theory perspective
B Bahnariu, K Öberg, C Koch, D Kifokeris
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