Csaba Csaki
Csaba Csaki
Professor of Physics, Cornell University
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Cosmology of brane models with radion stabilization
C Csaki, M Graesser, L Randall, J Terning
Physical Review D 62 (4), 045015, 2000
Gauge theories on an interval: unitarity without a Higgs boson
C Csaki, C Grojean, H Murayama, L Pilo, J Terning
Physical Review D 69 (5), 055006, 2004
Universal aspects of gravity localized on thick branes
C Csaki, J Erlich, TJ Hollowood, Y Shirman
Nuclear Physics B 581 (1-2), 309-338, 2000
Radion dynamics and electroweak physics
C Csaki, ML Graesser, GD Kribs
Physical Review D 63 (6), 065002, 2001
Cosmology of one extra dimension with localized gravity
C Csaki, M Graesser, C Kolda, J Terning
Physics Letters B 462 (1-2), 34-40, 1999
Towards a realistic model of Higgsless electroweak symmetry breaking
C Csaki, C Grojean, L Pilo, J Terning
Physical review letters 92 (10), 101802, 2004
Composite higgses
B Bellazzini, C Csáki, J Serra
Supersymmetry After the Higgs Discovery, 151-175, 2014
Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case
D Curtin, M Drewes, M McCullough, P Meade, RN Mohapatra, J Shelton, ...
Reports on progress in physics 82 (11), 116201, 2019
Big corrections from a little Higgs
C Csaki, J Hubisz, GD Kribs, P Meade, J Terning
Physical Review D 67 (11), 115002, 2003
Glueball mass spectrum from supergravity
C Csaki, H Ooguri, Y Oz, J Terning
Journal of High Energy Physics 1999 (01), 017, 1999
The flavor of the composite pseudo-Goldstone Higgs
C Csaki, A Falkowski, A Weiler
Journal of High Energy Physics 2008 (09), 008, 2008
The minimal set of electroweak precision parameters
G Cacciapaglia, C Csaki, G Marandella, A Strumia
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 74 (3), 033011, 2006
Variations of little Higgs models and their electroweak constraints
C Csaki, J Hubisz, GD Kribs, P Meade, J Terning
Physical Review D 68 (3), 035009, 2003
Minimal flavor violation supersymmetry: A natural theory for -parity violation
C Csaki, Y Grossman, B Heidenreich
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (9), 095009, 2012
Fermions on an interval: Quark and lepton masses without a Higgs
C Csaki, C Grojean, J Hubisz, Y Shirman, J Terning
Physical Review D 70 (1), 015012, 2004
Dimming supernovae without cosmic acceleration
C Csaki, N Kaloper, J Terning
Physical Review Letters 88 (16), 161302, 2002
Standard model Higgs boson from higher dimensional gauge fields
C Csaki, C Grojean, H Murayama
Physical Review D 67 (8), 085012, 2003
Extra dimensions and branes
C Csaki
From Fields to Strings: Circumnavigating Theoretical Physics: Ian Kogan …, 2005
Gravitational Lorentz violations and adjustment of the cosmological constant in asymmetrically warped spacetimes
C Csaki, J Erlich, C Grojean
Nuclear Physics B 604 (1-2), 312-342, 2001
General properties of the self-tuning domain wall approach to the cosmological constant problem
C Csaki, J Erlich, C Grojean, TJ Hollowood
Nuclear Physics B 584 (1-2), 359-386, 2000
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