Dr. Sayan Das
Dr. Sayan Das
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State of art of solar photovoltaic technology
U Gangopadhyay, S Jana, S Das
Conference papers in science 2013 (1), 764132, 2013
Effect of annealing on structural and optical properties of diamond-like nanocomposite thin films
S Jana, S Das, D De, U Gangopadhyay, P Ghosh, A Mondal
Applied Physics A 114, 965-972, 2014
Comparative simulation study between n-type and p-type Silicon Solar Cells and the variation of efficiency of n-type Solar Cell by the application of passivation layer with …
U Gangopadhyay, S Roy, S Garain, S Jana, S Das
IOSR Journal of Engineering 2 (8), 41-48, 2012
Deposition and characterization of diamond-like nanocomposite coatings grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition over different substrate materials
AK Mallik, N Dandapat, P Ghosh, U Ganguly, S Jana, S Das, K Guha, ...
Bulletin of Materials Science 36, 193-202, 2013
A Clue to Understand Environmental Influence on Friction and Wear of Diamond‐Like Nanocomposite Thin Film
S Jana, S Das, U Gangopadhyay, A Mondal, P Ghosh
Advances in Tribology 2013 (1), 352387, 2013
Anti-reflective nanocomposite based coating for crystalline silicon solar cells with noticeable significance
U Gangopadhyay, S Jana, S Das, P Ghosh, A Mondal
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (3), 2013
Effect of diamond-like nanocomposite as antireflection layer on multi-crystalline silicon solar cells
D De, K Adhikary, S Jana, S Das, U Gangopadhyay
Materials Today: Proceedings 39, 2046-2049, 2021
Novel and efficient texturing approach for large-scale industrial production line of large-area monocrystalline silicon solar cell
PG U Gangopadhyay, S Jana, S Das
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2 (3-4), 15, 2013
Efficiency enhancement of Solar Cell by introduction of Cerium Oxide along with Silicon Nitride
U Gangopadhyay, S Ray, E Panda, S Jana, S Das
Low temperature growth of diamond-like nanocomposite films prepared by PACVD from Ar diluted siloxane plasma
S Das, S Jana, D De, U Gangopadhyay, A Mondal
Materials Research Express 6 (11), 115614, 2019
Diamond-like nanocomposite: a novel promising carbon based thin film as antireflection and passivation coating for silicon solar cell
S Jana, S Das, D De, A Mondal, U Gangopadhyay
Materials Research Express 5 (2), 025601, 2018
Frequency response of diamond like nanocomposite thin film based MIM capacitor and equivalent circuit modelling
S Jana, S Das, U Gangopadhyay, P Ghosh, A Mondal
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1 (2), 46-50, 2012
Texturization of multi crystalline silicon without conventional alkaline and acidic solution for solar cell processing
B Pal, S Ray, S Jana, S Das, U Gangopadhyay, PP Ray
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (14), 12684-12688, 2017
Fabrication of Nanowire on micro Textured Crystalline Silicon Wafer Before and After Diffusion Process: A comparative study of solar cell performance
S Ray, S Ghosh, H Ghosh, S Mitra, C Banerjee, AK Mondal, H Saha, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (14), 12678-12683, 2017
Multicrystalline Silicon Texturing By Novel Bi-Component Etching Solution
S Nandy, S Bhattacharya, S Das, S Jana, U Gangopadhyay
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (14), 12671-12677, 2017
State of Art of Supercapacitor
UG S Ray, S Garain, S Das, S Jana, D De
International Journal of Research in Computer Engineering and Electronics 3 …, 2014
Large-Area Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Using Novel Antireflective Nanoabsorber Texturing Surface by Multihollow Cathode Plasma System and Spin-On Doping
U Gangopadhyay, S Jana, S Das
Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2013, 2013
Antireflective Nanocomposite Based Coating on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells for Building‐Integrated Photovoltaic Systems
U Gangopadhyay, S Jana, S Das, S Garain, S Ray
Conference Papers in Science 2013 (1), 829260, 2013
Feasibility of n-type crystalline silicon wafer for fabricating Industrial Silicon Solar Cell with significant acceptable efficiency in near future
PG U Gangopadhyay, S Das, S Jana
IOSR J. Eng., 2012
State of art of nanotechnology
U Gangopadhyay, S Das, S Jana, P Ghosh
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development 3 (6), 95-112, 2012
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