Giacomo Solano
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Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020
G Solano, T Huddleston
Barcelona Center for International Affairs/Migration Policy Group: Barcelona …, 2020
A personal network approach to the study of immigrant structural assimilation and transnationalism
R Vacca, G Solano, MJ Lubbers, JL Molina, C McCarty
Social Networks 53, 72-89, 2018
The mixed embeddedness of transnational migrant entrepreneurs: Moroccans in Amsterdam and Milan
G Solano
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (10), 2020
Mixed Embeddedness and Migrant Entrepreneurship: Hints on Past and Future Directions
E Barberis, G Solano
Sociologica 12 (2), 1-22, 2018
Multifocal entrepreneurial practices: the case of Moroccan import/export businesses in Milan
G Solano
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 29 (2), 176 - 198, 2016
Social capital of entrepreneurs in a developing country: The effect of gender on access to and requests for resources
G Solano, G Rooks
Social Networks 54, 279–290, 2018
Multifocality and opportunity structure: towards a mixed embeddedness model for transnational migrant entrepreneurship
G Solano, V Schutjens, J Rath
Comparative Migration Studies 10 (1), 1-24, 2022
Immigrant self-employment and transnational practices: the case of Moroccan entrepreneurs in Amsterdam and Milan
G Solano
Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam & University of Milan-Bicocca, 2016
A skills perspective on the adoption and use of mobile money services in Uganda
RI Kiconco, G Rooks, G Solano, U Matzat
Information Development, 2019
The Integration of Interstate Migrants in India: A 7 State Policy Evaluation
V Aggarwal, G Solano, P Singh, S Singh
International Migration, 2020
Beyond immigration: Moving from Western to global indexes of migration policy
G Solano, T Huddleston
Global Policy 12 (3), 327-337, 2021
Transnational vs. Domestic Immigrant Entrepreneurs: A Comparative Literature Analysis of the Use of Personal Skills and Social Networks
G Solano
American Journal of Entrepreneurship 8 (2), 1-21, 2015
Migrant entrepreneurship and transnational links
J Rath, G Solano, V Schutjens
The Sage Handbook of International Migration, 2020
Gaps in Migration Research. Review of migration theories and the quality and compatibility of migration data on the national and international level
T Bircan, D Purkayastha, AW Ahmad-Yar, K Lotter, D Iakono, D C., Göler, ...
HumMingBird project report, 2020
Measures to support early-stage migrant entrepreneurs
G Solano, A Wolffhardt, A Xhani
MEGA Handbook, 2019
Explaining migrant integration policies: A comparative study across 56 countries
G Solano, D De Coninck
Migration Studies 11 (1), 75–102, 2023
A level playing field for migrant entrepreneurs? The legal and policy landscape across EU and OECD countries
G Solano
International Migration 61 (2), 27-47, 2023
Da extracomunitario a clandestino: l’immigrato nei discorsi dei media
G Solano
Media e migrazioni. Etica, estetica e politica del discorso umanitario, 109-123, 2014
Integration policies and threat perceptions following the European migration crisis: New insights into the policy-threat nexus
D De Coninck, G Solano, W Joris, B Meuleman, L d’Haenens
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 62 (4), 253–280, 2021
Integration policies and migrants' labour market outcomes: a local perspective based on different regional configurations in the EU
D De Coninck, G Solano
Comparative Migration Studies 11 (1), 23, 2023
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