High-gain wide-band gyrotron traveling wave amplifier with a helically corrugated waveguide VL Bratman, AW Cross, GG Denisov, W He, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (12), 2746, 2000
286 2000 Gyrotron traveling wave amplifier with a helical interaction waveguide GG Denisov, VL Bratman, AW Cross, W He, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, ...
Physical review letters 81 (25), 5680, 1998
272 1998 High Power Wideband Gyrotron Backward Wave Oscillator<? format?> Operating towards the Terahertz Region W He, CR Donaldson, L Zhang, K Ronald, P McElhinney, AW Cross
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200 2013 Generation of powerful subnanosecond microwave pulses by intense electron bunches moving in a periodic backward wave structure in the superradiative regime NS Ginzburg, NY Novozhilova, IV Zotova, AS Sergeev, NY Peskov, ...
Physical Review E 60 (3), 3297, 1999
147 1999 A cusp electron gun for millimeter wave gyrodevices CR Donaldson, W He, AW Cross, F Li, ADR Phelps, L Zhang, K Ronald, ...
Applied Physics Letters 96 (14), 2010
140 2010 Broadband amplification of low-terahertz signals using axis-encircling electrons in a helically corrugated interaction region W He, CR Donaldson, L Zhang, K Ronald, ADR Phelps, AW Cross
Physical Review Letters 119 (18), 184801, 2017
120 2017 Helically corrugated waveguide gyrotron traveling wave amplifier using a thermionic cathode electron gun AW Cross, W He, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, CG Whyte, AR Young, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (25), 2007
120 2007 Compression of Frequency-Modulated Pulses using Helically Corrugated Waveguides<? format?> and Its Potential for Generating Multigigawatt rf Radiation SV Samsonov, ADR Phelps, VL Bratman, G Burt, GG Denisov, AW Cross, ...
Physical review letters 92 (11), 118301, 2004
116 2004 Generation of broadband terahertz radiation using a backward wave oscillator and pseudospark-sourced electron beam W He, L Zhang, D Bowes, H Yin, K Ronald, ADR Phelps, AW Cross
Applied Physics Letters 107 (13), 2015
113 2015 Multi-mode coupling wave theory for helically corrugated waveguide L Zhang, W He, K Ronald, ADR Phelps, CG Whyte, CW Robertson, ...
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 60 (1), 1-7, 2011
111 2011 Generation and application of pseudospark-sourced electron beams AW Cross, H Yin, W He, K Ronald, ADR Phelps, LC Pitchford
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111 2007 Gyro-BWO experiments using a helical interaction waveguide W He, K Ronald, AR Young, AW Cross, ADR Phelps, CG Whyte, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 52 (5), 839-844, 2005
107 2005 Experimental and theoretical studies of a coaxial free-electron maser based on two-dimensional distributed feedback IV Konoplev, AW Cross, ADR Phelps, W He, K Ronald, CG Whyte, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 76 (5 …, 2007
106 2007 Axis-encircling electron beam generation using a smooth magnetic cusp for gyrodevices W He, CG Whyte, EG Rafferty, AW Cross, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (12), 2008
103 2008 Dispersion of helically corrugated waveguides: Analytical, numerical, and experimental study G Burt, SV Samsonov, K Ronald, GG Denisov, AR Young, VL Bratman, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (4 …, 2004
103 2004 Theory and simulations of a gyrotron backward wave oscillator using a helical interaction waveguide W He, AW Cross, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, CG Whyte, SV Samsonov, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (9), 2006
92 2006 Millimeter wave generation from a pseudospark-sourced electron beam H Yin, AW Cross, W He, ADR Phelps, K Ronald, D Bowes, CW Robertson
Physics of Plasmas 16 (6), 2009
91 2009 Experimental Study of Coaxial Free-Electron Maser Based<? format?> on Two-Dimensional Distributed Feedback IV Konoplev, P McGrane, W He, AW Cross, ADR Phelps, CG Whyte, ...
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83 2006 Single-gap pseudospark discharge experiments H Yin, W He, AW Cross, ADR Phelps, K Ronald
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83 2001 Demonstration of a Planar -Band, kW-Level Extended Interaction Oscillator Based on a Pseudospark-Sourced Sheet Electron Beam GX Shu, H Yin, L Zhang, JP Zhao, G Liu, ADR Phelps, AW Cross, W He
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