Alistar Ian Robertson
Alistar Ian Robertson
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Mangroves as nursery sites: comparisons of the abundance and species composition of fish and crustaceans in mangroves and other nearshore habitats in tropical Australia
AI Robertson, NC Duke
Marine biology 96, 193-205, 1987
Plankton, epibenthos and fish communities
AI Robertson, SJM Blaber
Tropical mangrove ecosystems 41, 173-224, 1992
Leaf-burying crabs: their influence on energy flow and export from mixed mangrove forests (Rhizophora spp.) in northeastern Australia
AI Robertson
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 102 (2-3), 237-248, 1986
Review of the research relevant to the conservation of shallow tropical marine ecosystems
B Hatcher, R Johannes, A Robinson
Oceanography and Marine Biology 27, 337-414, 1989
Tropical mangrove ecosystems
AI Robertson, DM Alongi
American Geophysical Union, 2013
Food chains and carbon fluxes
AI Robertson, DM Alongi, KG Boto
Tropical mangrove ecosystems 41, 293-326, 1992
Mangroves as filters of shrimp pond effluent: predictions and biogeochemical research needs
AI Robertson, MJ Phillips
Hydrobiologia 295, 311-321, 1995
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycles
DM Alongi, KG Boto, AI Robertson
Tropical mangrove ecosystems 41, 251-292, 1992
Relationships between riverine fish and woody debris: implications for lowland rivers
DA Crook, AI Robertson
Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (8), 941-953, 1999
Relationships between livestock management and the ecological condition of riparian habitats along an Australian floodplain river
AMY Jansen, AI Robertson
Journal of applied ecology, 63-75, 2001
Sources, sinks and transformations of organic carbon in Australian floodplain rivers
AI Robertson, SE Bunn, PI Boon, KF Walker
Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (8), 813-829, 1999
The influence of crabs on litter processing in high intertidal mangrove forests in tropical Australia
AI Robertson, PA Daniel
Oecologia 78, 191-198, 1989
Mangrove fish-communities in tropical Queensland, Australia: spatial and temporal patterns in densities, biomass and community structure
AI Robertson, NC Duke
Marine biology 104, 369-379, 1990
Decomposition of mangrove leaf litter in tropical Australia
AI Robertson
Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 116 (3), 235-247, 1988
The relationship between annual production: biomass ratios and lifespans for marine macrobenthos
AI Robertson
Oecologia 38, 193-202, 1979
The responses of floodplain primary production to flood frequency and timing
AI Robertson, P Bacon, G Heagney
Journal of Applied Ecology 38 (1), 126-136, 2001
Nearshore accumulations of detached macrophytes as nursery areas for fish
RCJLAI Robertson, JA Hansen
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser 9, 51-57, 1982
Responses of waterbirds to flooding in an arid region of Australia and implications for conservation
DA Roshier, AI Robertson, RT Kingsford
Biological conservation 106 (3), 399-411, 2002
Fish community structure and food chain dynamics in the surf-zone of sandy beaches: the role of detached macrophyte detritus
AI Robertson, RCJ Lenanton
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 84 (3), 265-283, 1984
The influence of seagrass structure on the distribution and abundance of mobile epifauna: pattern and process in a Western Australian Amphibolis bed
GJ Edgar, AI Robertson
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 160 (1), 13-31, 1992
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