Maria Maximova
Maria Maximova
Research Assistant at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany
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Metric temporal graph logic over typed attributed graphs
H Giese, M Maximova, L Sakizloglou, S Schneider
International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering …, 2019
Probabilistic timed graph transformation systems
M Maximova, H Giese, C Krause
Journal of logical and algebraic methods in programming 101, 110-131, 2018
Formal relationship between Petri net and graph transformation systems based on functors between M-adhesive categories
M Maximova, H Ehrig, C Ermel
Electronic Communications of the EASST 40, 2011
Formal testing of timed graph transformation systems using metric temporal graph logic
S Schneider, M Maximova, L Sakizloglou, H Giese
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer 23 (3), 411-488, 2021
Optimistic and pessimistic on-the-fly analysis for metric temporal graph logic
S Schneider, L Sakizloglou, M Maximova, H Giese
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 276-294, 2020
Probabilistic timed graph transformation systems
M Maximova, H Giese, C Krause
Graph Transformation: 10th International Conference, ICGT 2017, Held as Part …, 2017
Transfer of local confluence and termination between Petri net and graph transformation systems based on M-functors
M Maximova, H Ehrig, C Ermel
Electronic Communications of the EASST 51, 2012
Compositional Analysis of Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems.
M Maximova, S Schneider, H Giese
FASE, 196-217, 2021
Functors between M-adhesive categories applied to Petri net and graph transformation systems
M Maximova
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2011
Invariant Analysis for Multi-agent Graph Transformation Systems Using k-Induction
S Schneider, M Maximova, H Giese
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 173-192, 2022
Analysis of hypergraph transformation systems in AGG based on M-functors: Extended version
M Maximova
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2013
Interval probabilistic timed graph transformation systems
M Maximova, S Schneider, H Giese
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 221-239, 2021
Satisfaction, restriction and amalgamation of constraints in the framework of m-adhesive categories
H Schölzel, H Ehrig, M Maximova, K Garbriel, F Hermann
arXiv preprint arXiv:1209.1436, 2012
Transfer of local confluence and termination between Petri net and graph transformation systems based on M-functors: Extended version
M Maximova
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2012
A simulator for probabilistic timed graph transformation systems with complex large-scale topologies
C Zöllner, M Barkowsky, M Maximova, M Schneider, H Giese
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 325-334, 2020
Analysis of hypergraph transformation systems in AGG based on M-functors
M Maximova, H Ehrig, C Ermel
Electronic Communications of the EASST 58, 2013
Probabilistic metric temporal graph logic
S Schneider, M Maximova, H Giese
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 58-76, 2022
On the Complexity of Simulating Probabilistic Timed Graph Transformation Systems
C Zöllner, M Barkowsky, M Maximova, H Giese
International Conference on Graph Transformation, 262-279, 2021
Local confluence analysis of hypergraph transformation systems with application conditions based on M-functors and AGG
M Maximova, H Ehrig, C Ermel
Science of Computer Programming 104, 44-70, 2015
Behavior and confluence analysis of M-adhesive transformation systems using M-functors
M Maximova
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