Meghdad Mirabi
Meghdad Mirabi
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SHAPARAK: Scalable Healthcare Authentication Protocol with Attack-Resilience and Anonymous Key-Agreement
R Hajian, S Zakeri Kia, SH Erfani, M Mirabi
Computer Networks 183, 107567, 2020
APT-Dt-KC: advanced persistent threat detection based on kill-chain model
M Panahnejad, M Mirabi
The Journal of Supercomputing 78, 8644–8677, 2022
An encoding scheme based on fractional number for querying and updating XML data
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, NI Udzir, A Mamat
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (8), 1831-1851, 2012
Controller placement in software defined networks using multi-objective antlion algorithm
MM Kazemian, M Mirabi
The Journal of Supercomputing 78, 5626–5649, 2022
Controlling Label Size Increment of Efficient XML Encoding and Labeling Scheme in Dynamic XML Update
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, A Mamat, NI Udzir, L Fathi
Journal of Computer Science 6 (12), 1535-1540, 2010
PS+ Pre/Post: A novel structure and access mechanism for wireless XML stream supporting twig pattern queries
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, L Fathi
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 15, 3–25, 2014
A new structure and access mechanism for secure and efficient XML data broadcast in mobile wireless networks
B Safabahar, M Mirabi
Journal of Systems and Software 125, 119-132, 2017
An Access Control Model for Supporting XML Document Updating
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, L Fathi, NI Udzir, A Mamat
Networked Digital Technologies, 37-46, 2011
Combo-Chain: Towards a Hierarchical Attribute-Based Access Control System for IoT with Smart Contract and Sharding Technique
V Bakhtiary, M Mirabi, A Salajegheh, SH Erfani
Internet of Things, 2024
A Dynamic Compressed Accessibility Map for Secure XML Querying and Updating.
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, L Fathi, NI Udzir, A Mamat
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 31 (1), 2015
An Automatic Domain Independent Schema Matching in Integrating Schemas of Heterogeneous Relational Databases.
H Ibrahim, Y Karasneh, M Mirabi, R Yaakob, M Othman
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 30 (5), 1505-1536, 2014
An energy conservation indexing method for secure XML data broadcast in mobile wireless networks
L Fathi, H Ibrahim, M Mirabi
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 13, 125–141, 2014
A compact bit string accessibility map for secure XML query processing
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, NI Udzir, A Mamat
Procedia Computer Science 10, 1172-1179, 2012
Label Size Increment of Bit String Based Labeling Scheme in Dynamic XML Updating
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, NI Udzir, A Mamat
Digital Enterprise and Information Systems 194, 466-477, 2011
An efficient stream structure for broadcasting the encrypted XML data in mobile wireless broadcast channels
M Shokri, M Mirabi
The Journal of Supercomputing 75 (11), 7147-7173, 2019
An Efficient Index and Data Distribution Scheme for XML Data Broadcast in Mobile Wireless Networks.
M Javani, M Mirabi
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 33 (1), 2017
A Novel Replication Strategy for Efficient XML Data Broadcast in Wireless Mobile Networks.
AB Boroujeni, M Mirabi
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 32 (2), 2016
Integrating Access Control Mechanism with EXEL Labeling Scheme for XML Document Updating
M Mirabi, H Ibrahim, A Mamat, NI Udzir
Networked Digital Technologies, 24-36, 2011
An efficient distributed and secure algorithm for transaction confirmation in IOTA using cloud computing
AS Alavizadeh, SH Erfani, M Mirabi, A Sahafi
The Journal of Supercomputing 80 (2), 1491–1521, 2024
An air indexing method for encrypted XML data broadcast in mobile wireless network
L Fathi, H Ibrahim, M Mirabi
Proceedings of the 12th International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for …, 2013
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