Tobias Bach
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Zitiert von
The Determinants of Promotion to High Public Office in Germany: Partisan Loyalty, Political Craft, or Managerial Competencies?
T Bach, S Veit
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 28 (2), 254–269, 2018
Animals in the administrative zoo: organizational change and agency autonomy in Germany
T Bach, W Jann
International Review of Administrative Sciences 76 (3), 443-468, 2010
Networking for autonomy? National agencies in European networks
T Bach, E Ruffing
Public Administration 91 (3), 712-726, 2013
The Differential Empowering Effects of E uropeanization on the Autonomy of National Agencies
T Bach, E Ruffing, K Yesilkagit
Governance 28 (3), 285-304, 2015
Transnational bureaucratic politics: An institutional rivalry perspective on EU network governance
T Bach, F De Francesco, M Maggetti, E Ruffing
Public Administration 94 (1), 9-24, 2016
The role of agencies in policy-making
T Bach, B Niklasson, M Painter
Policy and Society 31 (3), 183-193, 2012
More delegation, more political control? Politicization of senior-level appointments in 18 European countries
T Bach, G Hammerschmid, L Löffler
Public Policy and Administration 35 (1), 3-23, 2020
Dynamics of change in internal policy advisory systems: The hybridization of advisory capacities in Germany
S Veit, T Hustedt, T Bach
Policy Sciences 50, 85-103, 2017
The Blind Spots of Public Bureaucracy and the Politics of Non‐Coordination
T Bach, K Wegrich
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Policy and management autonomy of federal agencies in Germany
T Bach
Governance of public sector organizations: Proliferation, autonomy and …, 2010
The autonomy of government agencies in Germany and Norway: explaining variation in management autonomy across countries and agencies
T Bach
International Review of Administrative Sciences 80 (2), 341-361, 2014
Administrative tradition and management reforms: a comparison of agency chief executive accountability in four Continental Rechtsstaat countries
T Bach, S van Thiel, G Hammerschmid, R Steiner
Public Management Review, 2016
The involvement of agencies in policy formulation: Explaining variation in policy autonomy of federal agencies in Germany
T Bach
Policy and Society 31 (3), 211-222, 2012
Politicians and Bureaucrats in Executive Government
T Bach, K Wegrich
The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives, 2020
Administrative autonomy of public organizations
T Bach
Global encyclopedia of public administration, public policy, and governance …, 2023
Organisation und Steuerung zentralstaatlicher Behörden: Agenturen im westeuropäischen Vergleich
T Bach, J Fleischer, T Hustedt
edition sigma, 2010
The politics of blame avoidance in complex delegation structures: the public transport crisis in Berlin
T Bach, K Wegrich
European Political Science Review, 2019
The transformative effects of transnational administrative coordination in the European multi-level system
T Bach, E Ruffing
The Palgrave handbook of public administration and management in Europe, 747-763, 2018
Regulatory agencies, reputational threats, and communicative responses
T Bach, M Jugl, D Köhler, K Wegrich
Regulation & Governance 16 (4), 1042-1057, 2022
Blind spots, biased attention, and the politics of non-coordination
T Bach, K Wegrich
The blind spots of public bureaucracy and the politics of non‐coordination, 3-28, 2019
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