Dawn Iacobucci
Dawn Iacobucci
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Marketing research: methodological foundations
GA Churchill, D Iacobucci
Dryden Press 199 (1), 2006
Investments in consumer relationships: A cross-country and cross-industry exploration
K De Wulf, G Odekerken-Schröder, D Iacobucci
Journal of marketing 65 (4), 33-50, 2001
Brand attachment and brand attitude strength: Conceptual and empirical differentiation of two critical brand equity drivers
CW Park, DJ MacInnis, J Priester, AB Eisingerich, D Iacobucci
Journal of marketing 74 (6), 1-17, 2010
Structural equations modeling: Fit indices, sample size, and advanced topics
D Iacobucci
Journal of consumer psychology 20 (1), 90-98, 2010
A meditation on mediation: Evidence that structural equations models perform better than regressions
D Iacobucci, N Saldanha, X Deng
Journal of consumer psychology 17 (2), 139-153, 2007
New media interactive advertising vs. traditional advertising
A Bezjian-Avery, B Calder, D Iacobucci
Journal of advertising research 38, 23-32, 1998
Distinguishing service quality and customer satisfaction: the voice of the consumer
D Iacobucci, A Ostrom, K Grayson
Journal of consumer psychology 4 (3), 277-303, 1995
Marketing research: Methodological foundations
D Iacobucci, GA Churchill
South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010
Mediation analysis
D Iacobucci
Sage, 2008
Advancing alpha: Measuring reliability with confidence
D Iacobucci, A Duhachek
Journal of consumer psychology 13 (4), 478-487, 2003
The calculus of service quality and customer satisfaction: theoretical and empirical differentiation and integration
D Iacobucci, KA Grayson, A Ostrom
Advances in services marketing and management 3 (C), 1-67, 1994
Mediation analysis and categorical variables: The final frontier
D Iacobucci
Journal of Consumer Psychology 22 (4), 582-594, 2012
Toward a more nuanced understanding of the statistical properties of a median split
D Iacobucci, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (4), 652-665, 2015
Dynamic effects among movie ratings, movie revenues, and viewer satisfaction
S Moon, PK Bergey, D Iacobucci
Journal of marketing 74 (1), 108-121, 2010
Commercial and interpersonal relationships; using the structure of interpersonal relationships to understand individual-to-individual, individual-to-firm, and firm-to-firm …
D Iacobucci, A Ostrom
International Journal of research in Marketing 13 (1), 53-72, 1996
Everything you always wanted to know about SEM (structural equations modeling) but were afraid to ask
D Iacobucci
Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (4), 673-680, 2009
Gender differences in the impact of core and relational aspects of services on the evaluation of service encounters
D Iacobucci, A Ostrom
Journal of consumer psychology 2 (3), 257-286, 1993
Mean centering helps alleviate “micro” but not “macro” multicollinearity
D Iacobucci, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich, GA Bakamitsos
Behavior research methods 48, 1308-1317, 2016
The median split: Robust, refined, and revived
D Iacobucci, SS Posavac, FR Kardes, MJ Schneider, DL Popovich
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (4), 690-704, 2015
Antecedents and consequences of adaptive selling confidence and behavior: a dyadic analysis of salespeople and their customers
S Román, D Iacobucci
Journal of the academy of Marketing Science 38, 363-382, 2010
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