Ivo Straka
Ivo Straka
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Noiseless loss suppression in quantum optical communication
M Mičuda, I Straka, M Miková, M Dušek, NJ Cerf, J Fiurášek, M Ježek
Physical Review Letters 109 (18), 180503, 2012
Experimental test of the quantum non-Gaussian character of a heralded single-photon state
M Ježek, I Straka, M Mičuda, M Dušek, J Fiurášek, R Filip
Physical review letters 107 (21), 213602, 2011
Efficient experimental estimation of fidelity of linear optical quantum Toffoli gate
M Mičuda, M Sedlak, I Straka, M Miková, M Dušek, M Ježek, J Fiurášek
Physical Review Letters 111 (16), 160407, 2013
Quantum non-Gaussian depth of single-photon states
I Straka, A Predojević, T Huber, L Lachman, L Butschek, M Miková, ...
Physical Review Letters 113 (22), 223603, 2014
Accurate detection of arbitrary photon statistics
J Hloušek, M Dudka, I Straka, M Ježek
Physical review letters 123 (15), 153604, 2019
Faithful Hierarchy of Genuine -Photon Quantum Non-Gaussian Light
L Lachman, I Straka, J Hloušek, M Ježek, R Filip
Physical review letters 123 (4), 043601, 2019
Quantum non-Gaussian multiphoton light
I Straka, L Lachman, J Hloušek, M Miková, M Mičuda, M Ježek, R Filip
npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 4, 2018
Increasing efficiency of a linear-optical quantum gate using electronic feed-forward
M Miková, H Fikerová, I Straka, M Mičuda, J Fiurášek, M Ježek, M Dušek
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 012305, 2012
Experimental realization of SWAP operation on hyper-encoded qubits
R Stárek, M Miková, I Straka, M Dušek, M Ježek, J Fiurášek, M Mičuda
Optics express 26 (7), 8443-8452, 2018
Highly stable polarization independent Mach-Zehnder interferometer
M Mičuda, E Doláková, I Straka, M Miková, M Dušek, J Fiurášek, M Ježek
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (8), 2014
Generator of arbitrary classical photon statistics
I Straka, J Mika, M Ježek
Optics Express 26 (7), 8998-9010, 2018
Tomographic characterization of a linear optical quantum Toffoli gate
M Mičuda, M Miková, I Straka, M Sedlák, M Dušek, M Ježek, J Fiurášek
Physical Review A 92 (3), 032312, 2015
Nonclassical photon pairs from warm atomic vapor using a single driving laser
L Podhora, P Obšil, I Straka, M Ježek, L Slodička
Optics Express 25 (25), 31230-31238, 2017
Counting statistics of actively quenched SPADs under continuous illumination
I Straka, J Grygar, J Hloušek, M Ježek
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (17), 4765-4771, 2020
Experimental investigation of a four-qubit linear-optical quantum logic circuit
R Stárek, M Mičuda, M Miková, I Straka, M Dušek, M Ježek, J Fiurášek
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 33475, 2016
Orthogonalization of partly unknown quantum states
M Ježek, M Mičuda, I Straka, M Mikova, M Dušek, J Fiurášek
Physical Review A 89 (4), 042316, 2014
Experimental quantum decoherence control by dark states of the environment
R Stárek, M Mičuda, I Straka, M Nováková, M Dušek, M Ježek, J Fiurášek, ...
New Journal of Physics 22 (9), 093058, 2020
Nondestructive detector for exchange symmetry of photonic qubits
R Stárek, M Mičuda, M Miková, I Straka, M Dušek, P Marek, M Ježek, ...
NPJ Quantum Information 4 (1), 35, 2018
Effect of source statistics on utilizing photon entanglement in quantum key distribution
R Hošák, I Straka, A Predojević, R Filip, M Ježek
Physical Review A 103 (4), 042411, 2021
Optimal entanglement-assisted discrimination of quantum measurements
M Miková, M Sedlák, I Straka, M Mičuda, M Ziman, M Ježek, M Dušek, ...
Physical Review A 90 (2), 022317, 2014
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