Hadi Saboorian Jooybari
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Heavy oil polymer flooding from laboratory core floods to pilot tests and field applications: Half-century studies
H Saboorian-Jooybari, M Dejam, Z Chen
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 142, 85-100, 2016
A new approach in petrophysical rock typing
A Mirzaei-Paiaman, M Ostadhassan, R Rezaee, H Saboorian-Jooybari, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 166, 445-464, 2018
Improved method to identify hydraulic flow units for reservoir characterization
A Mirzaei‐Paiaman, H Saboorian‐Jooybari, P Pourafshary
Energy Technology 3 (7), 726-733, 2015
Half-century of heavy oil polymer flooding from laboratory core floods to pilot tests and field applications
H Saboorian-Jooybari, M Dejam, Z Chen
SPE Canada Heavy Oil Conference, SPE-174402-MS, 2015
A further verification of FZI* and PSRTI: Newly developed petrophysical rock typing indices
A Mirzaei-Paiaman, F Sabbagh, M Ostadhassan, A Shafiei, R Rezaee, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 175, 693-705, 2019
A method based on spontaneous imbibition for characterization of pore structure: Application in pre-SCAL sample selection and rock typing
A Mirzaei-Paiaman, H Saboorian-Jooybari
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 35, 814-825, 2016
Comprehensive evaluation of fracture parameters by dual laterolog data
H Saboorian-Jooybari, M Dejam, Z Chen, P Pourafshary
Journal of Applied Geophysics 131, 214-221, 2016
New technique of True Effective Mobility (TEM-Function) in dynamic rock typing: reduction of uncertainties in relative permeability data for reservoir simulation
A Mirzaei-Paiaman, H Saboorian-Jooybari, Z Chen, M Ostadhassan
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 179, 210-227, 2019
Development of an analytical time-dependent matrix/fracture shape factor for countercurrent imbibition in simulation of fractured reservoirs
H Saboorian-Jooybari, S Ashoori, G Mowazi
Transport in porous media 92, 687-708, 2012
Calculation of re-defined electrical double layer thickness in symmetrical electrolyte solutions
H Saboorian-Jooybari, Z Chen
Results in Physics 15, 102501, 2019
Significance of non-Darcy flow effect in fractured tight reservoirs
H Saboorian-Jooybari, P Pourafshary
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 24, 132-143, 2015
A new framework for selection of representative samples for special core analysis
A Mirzaei-Paiaman, SR Asadolahpour, H Saboorian-Jooybari, Z Chen, ...
Petroleum Research 5 (3), 210-226, 2020
Fracture identification and comprehensive evaluation of the parameters by dual laterolog data
H Saboorian-Jooybari, M Dejam, Z Chen, P Pourafshary
SPE Middle east unconventional resources conference and exhibition, D021S005R004, 2015
Mechanisms of asphaltene aggregation in toluene and heptane mixtures
S Ashoori, A Abedini, H Saboorian, KQ Nasheghi, R Abedini
Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute 52 (5), 283-287, 2009
A new appoach for rock typing used in one of the Iranian carbonate reservoir (a case study)
HS Jooybari, GH Mowazi, SR Jaberi
SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, SPE-131915-MS, 2010
Incorporation of viscosity scaling group into analysis of MPMS index for laboratory characterization of wettability of reservoir rocks
A Mirzaei-Paiaman, H Saboorian-Jooybari, M Masihi
Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology 7, 205-216, 2017
A structured mobility-based methodology for quantification of net-pay cutoff in petroleum reservoirs
H Saboorian-Jooybari
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 20 (02), 317-333, 2017
Traveling wave analysis of cocurrent imbibition in porous media
H Saboorian-Jooybari, N Khademi
Journal of Porous Media 17 (3), 2014
Potential severity of phase trapping in petroleum reservoirs: An analytical approach to prediction
H Saboorian-Jooybari, P Pourafshary
Spe Journal 22 (03), 863-874, 2017
Analytical solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation within an interstitial electrical double layer in various geometries
H Saboorian-Jooybari, Z Chen
Chemical Physics 522, 147-162, 2019
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