Stefan Zeugner
Stefan Zeugner
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Bayesian model averaging employing fixed and flexible priors: The BMS package for R
S Zeugner, M Feldkircher
Journal of Statistical Software 68, 1-37, 2015
Benchmark priors revisited: on adaptive shrinkage and the supermodel effect in Bayesian model averaging
S Zeugner, M Feldkircher
International Monetary Fund, 2009
Current accounts and financial flows in the euro area
A Hobza, S Zeugner
Journal of International Money and Finance 48, 291-313, 2014
The impact of data revisions on the robustness of growth determinants—A note on ‘Determinants of Economic Growth: Will Data Tell?’
M Feldkircher, S Zeugner
Journal of Applied Econometrics 27 (4), 686-694, 2012
The" imbalanced balance" and its unravelling: current accounts and bilateral financial flows in the euro area
A Hobza, S Zeugner
European Economy-Economic Papers 2008-2015, 2014
Methodologies for the assessment of current account benchmarks
L Coutinho, A Turrini, S Zeugner
European Economy-Discussion Papers, 2018
Finflows: database for bilateral financial investment stocks and flows
M Nardo, N Ndacyayisenga, A Pagano, S Zeugner
European Commission JRC Technical Reports 451, 2017
Benchmarks for net international investment positions
A Turrini, S Zeugner
Journal of International Money and Finance 95, 149-164, 2019
Housing Market Developments in the Euro Area: Focus on Housing Affordability
C Frayne, A Szczypińska, B Vašíček, S Zeugner
Publications Office of the European Union, 2022
Leverage as a predictor for real activity and volatility
R Kollmann, S Zeugner
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 36 (8), 1267-1283, 2012
What drives export market shares? It depends! An empirical analysis using Bayesian model averaging
K Benkovskis, B Bluhm, E Bobeica, C Osbat, S Zeugner
Empirical Economics 59, 817-869, 2020
Tradable vs. non-tradable: an empirical approach to the classification of sectors
S Zeugner
European Commission, 46-51, 2013
Current-account surpluses in the Eurozone: Should they be reduced?
A Hobza, S Zeugner
VoxEu. org 26, 2013
Current account surpluses in the EU
JN Martins, S Zeugner, A Hobza
European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, 2012
Cross-border spillovers in the euro area
F D'Auria, S Linden, D Monteiro, S Zeugner
Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA) 13 (4), 7-22, 2014
Assessing the euro area current account
L Coutinho, A Turrini, S Zeugner
Journal of International Money and Finance 121, 102512, 2022
Package ‘BMS’
M Feldkircher, S Zeugner, MS Zeugner
Unpublished paper.< https://cran. r-project. org/web//packages/BMS/BMS. pdf …, 2015
The ‘Imbalanced Balance’and Its Unravelling: Current Accounts and Bilateral Financial Flows in the Euro Area,[EC Economic Papers, No. 520/2014]
A Hobza, S Zeugner
Brussels, European Commission, 2014
Is private debt excessive?
JC Bricongne, L Coutinho, A Turrini, S Zeugner
Open Economies Review 31, 471-512, 2020
III. International tourism decline and its impact on external balances in the euro area
L Coutinho, G Vukšić, S Zeugner
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