Asami Nakanishi
Asami Nakanishi
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Effects of freeze–thaw cycles resulting from winter climate change on soil nitrogen cycling in ten temperate forest ecosystems throughout the Japanese archipelago
R Urakawa, H Shibata, M Kuroiwa, Y Inagaki, R Tateno, T Hishi, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 74, 82-94, 2014
Factors contributing to soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification rates of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago
R Urakawa, N Ohte, H Shibata, K Isobe, R Tateno, T Oda, T Hishi, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 361, 382-396, 2016
Mechanism of nitrate loss from a forested catchment following a small-scale, natural disturbance
S Hobara, N Tokuchi, N Ohte, K Koba, M Katsuyama, SJ Kim, A Nakanishi
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31 (8), 1326-1335, 2001
Gross nitrification rates in four Japanese forest soils: heterotrophic versus autotrophic and the regulation factors for the nitrification
M Kuroiwa, K Koba, K Isobe, R Tateno, A Nakanishi, Y Inagaki, H Toda, ...
Journal of forest research 16, 363-373, 2011
Biogeochemical nitrogen properties of forest soils in the Japanese archipelago
R Urakawa, N Ohte, H Shibata, R Tateno, T Hishi, K Fukushima, Y Inagaki, ...
Ecol Res 30 (1), 1-2, 2015
Changes in nitrogen transformation in forest soil representing the climate gradient of the Japanese archipelago
H Shibata, R Urakawa, H Toda, Y Inagaki, R Tateno, K Koba, A Nakanishi, ...
Journal of forest research 16, 374-385, 2011
Fish assemblages associated with three types of artificial reefs: density of assemblages and possible impacts on adjacent fish abundance
R Masuda, M Shiba, Y Yamashita, M Ueno, Y Kai, A Nakanishi, ...
戸田浩人, 笹賀一郎, 佐藤冬樹, 柴田英昭, 野村睦, 市川一, 藤戸永志, ...
日本林學會誌 82 (3), 308-312, 2000
Decoupling of protein depolymerization and ammonification in nitrogen mineralization of acidic forest soils
K Fujii, T Yamada, C Hayakawa, A Nakanishi, S Funakawa
Applied Soil Ecology 153, 103572, 2020
Leaf‐litter nitrogen concentration in hinoki cypress forests in relation to the time of leaf fall under different climatic conditions in Japan
Y Inagaki, S Okuda, A Sakai, A Nakanishi, S Shibata, H Fukata
Ecological research 25 (2), 429-438, 2010
Logging impacts on forest carabid assemblages in Japan
N Osawa, A Terai, K Hirata, A Nakanishi, A Makino, S Sakai, S Sibata
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35 (11), 2698-2708, 2005
Chemical characteristics in stemflow of Japanese cedar in Japan
A Nakanishi, H Shibata, Y Inokura, T Nakao, H Toda, F Satoh, K Sasa
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 130 (1), 709-714, 2001
Sprout initiation and growth for three years after cutting in an abandoned secondary forest in Kyoto, Japan
A Imanishi, J Morimoto, J Imanishi, S Shibata, A Nakanishi, N Osawa, ...
Landscape and Ecological Engineering 6, 325-333, 2010
A simple method for leaf and branch biomass estimation in Japanese cedar plantations
Y Inagaki, A Nakanishi, T Tange
Trees 34, 349-356, 2020
Soil properties and nitrogen utilization of hinoki cypress as affected by strong thinning under different climatic conditions in the Shikoku and Kinki districts in Japan
Y Inagaki, A Nakanishi, H Fukata
Journal of forest research 16 (5), 405-413, 2011
Effects of patch cutting on leaf nitrogen nutrition in hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endlicher) at different elevations along a slope in Japan
A Nakanishi, Y Inagaki, N Osawa, S Shibata, K Hirata
Journal of forest research 14, 388-393, 2009
Another bottleneck for nitrogen mineralization in temperate forest soils: Arginine metabolism in microorganisms
K Fujii, T Yamada, C Hayakawa, A Nakanishi, S Funakawa
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126, 22-30, 2018
Stream water chemistry of university forests over
H Toda, K Sasa, F Sato, H Shibata, M Nomura, K Ichikawa, E Fujito, ...
Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society 82 (3), 308-312, 2000
牧野亜友美, 森本淳子, 柴田昌三, 大澤直哉, 中西麻美
日本緑化工学会誌 28 (1), 286-289, 2002
A quantitative evaluation of soil mass held by tree roots
T Tanikawa, H Ikeno, C Todo, K Yamase, M Ohashi, T Okamoto, ...
Trees 35, 527-541, 2021
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