Jose J. Padilla
Jose J. Padilla
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You are what you tweet: connecting the geographic variation in America’s obesity rate to twitter content
RJ Gore, S Diallo, J Padilla
PloS one 10 (9), e0133505, 2015
System of systems engineering requirements: challenges and guidelines
CB Keating, JJ Padilla, K Adams
Engineering Management Journal 20 (4), 24-31, 2008
Temporal and spatiotemporal investigation of tourist attraction visit sentiment on Twitter
JJ Padilla, H Kavak, CJ Lynch, RJ Gore, SY Diallo
PloS one 13 (6), e0198857, 2018
Reference modelling in support of M&S—foundations and applications
A Tolk, SY Diallo, JJ Padilla, H Herencia-Zapana
Journal of Simulation 7 (2), 69-82, 2013
Big data, agents, and machine learning: towards a data-driven agent-based modeling approach
H Kavak, JJ Padilla, CJ Lynch, SY Diallo
Proceedings of the Annual Simulation Symposium, 1-12, 2018
Simulation for cybersecurity: state of the art and future directions
H Kavak, JJ Padilla, D Vernon-Bido, SY Diallo, R Gore, S Shetty
Journal of Cybersecurity 7 (1), tyab005, 2021
Ontology for modeling and simulation
C Turnitsa, JJ Padilla, A Tolk
Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 643-651, 2010
Hybrid simulation studies and hybrid simulation systems: definitions, challenges, and benefits
N Mustafee, J Powell, SC Brailsford, S Diallo, J Padilla, A Tolk
2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 1678-1692, 2015
Understanding interoperability
SY Diallo, H Herencia-Zapana, JJ Padilla, A Tolk
Proceedings of the 2011 emerging M&S applications in industry and academia …, 2011
Using simulation games for teaching and learning discrete-event simulation
JJ Padilla, CJ Lynch, SY Diallo, RJ Gore, A Barraco, H Kavak, B Jenkins
2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 3375-3384, 2016
Cloud-based simulators: Making simulations accessible to non-experts and experts alike
JJ Padilla, SY Diallo, A Barraco, CJ Lynch, H Kavak
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014, 3630-3639, 2014
Epistemology of modeling and simulation
A Tolk, M Ihrig, EH Page, C Szabo, BL Heath, JJ Padilla, ED Suarez, ...
2013 Winter Simulations Conference (WSC), 1152-1166, 2013
Observations on the practice and profession of modeling and simulation: A survey approach
JJ Padilla, SY Diallo, CJ Lynch, R Gore
Simulation 94 (6), 493-506, 2018
Do we need M&S science?
JJ Padilla, SY Diallo, A Tolk
SCS M&S Magazine 4 (8), 2011
Identifying key papers within a journal via network centrality measures
SY Diallo, CJ Lynch, R Gore, JJ Padilla
Scientometrics 107, 1005-1020, 2016
A multi-paradigm modeling framework for modeling and simulating problem situations
C Lynch, J Padilla, S Diallo, J Sokolowski, C Banks
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2014, 1688-1699, 2014
How is M&S Interoperability different from other Interoperability Domains?
A Tolk, SY Diallo, JJ Padilla, CD Turnitsa
M&S Journal 7 (3), 2012
Conceptual modeling for composition of model-based complex systems
A Tolk, SY Diallo, RD King, CD Turnitsa, JJ Padilla
Conceptual modeling for discrete-event simulation, 371-398, 2010
A characterization of cybersecurity simulation scenarios.
H Kavak, JJ Padilla, D Vernon-Bido, R Gore, S Diallo
SpringSim (CNS), 3, 2016
An overview of modeling and simulation using content analysis
SY Diallo, RJ Gore, JJ Padilla, CJ Lynch
Scientometrics 103, 977-1002, 2015
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