Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief Hartono, M.Sc. Agr.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Arief Hartono, M.Sc. Agr.
Departmen of Soil Science and Land Resource, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
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Phosphorus Sorption‐Desorption Characteristics of Selected Acid Upland Soils in Indonesia
A Hartono, S Funakawa, T Kosaki
Soil Science & Plant Nutrition 51 (6), 787-799, 2005
Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon in three tropical secondary forests developed on serpentine and mudstone
K Fujii, A Hartono, S Funakawa, M Uemura, T Kosaki
Geoderma 163 (1-2), 119-126, 2011
Acidification of tropical forest soils derived from serpentine and sedimentary rocks in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
K Fujii, A Hartono, S Funakawa, M Uemura, T Kosaki
Geoderma 160 (3-4), 311-323, 2011
Transformation of added phosphorus to acid upland soils with different soil properties in Indonesia
A Hartono, S Funakawa, T Kosaki
Soil Science & Plant Nutrition 52 (6), 734-744, 2006
Pengaruh bahan organik (Puerariajavanica) dan fosfat alam terhadap pertumbuhan dan serapan P tanaman jagung (Zea Mays) pada Andisol pasir Sarongge
S Djuniwati, A Hartono, LT Indriyati
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 5 (1), 17-22, 2003
Pengaruh pupuk fosfor, bahan organik, dan kapur terhadap pertumbuhan jerapan P pada tanah masam latosol Darmaga
A Hartono
J. Ilmiah Pert. Gakuryoku 6 (1), 73-78, 2000
Parent materials and climate control secondary mineral distributions in soils of Kalimantan, Indonesia
T Watanabe, Y Hasenaka, A Hartono, S Sabiham, A Nakao, S Funakawa
Soil Science Society of America Journal 81 (1), 124-137, 2017
Soil organic carbon pools controlled by climate and geochemistry in tropical volcanic regions
H Lyu, T Watanabe, M Kilasara, A Hartono, S Funakawa
Science of the Total Environment 761, 143277, 2021
Evaluation of nitrogen status of agricultural soils in Java, Indonesia
J Yanai, T Omoto, A Nakao, K Koyama, A Hartono, S Anwar
Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60 (2), 188-195, 2014
Assessment of heavy metals pollution in sediment of Citarum River, Indonesia
MOP Yenny, A Hartono, S Anwar, Y Kang
Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam Dan Lingkungan (journal of Natural …, 2020
Pengelolaan dan pemupukan fosfor dan kalium pada pertanian intensif bawang merah di empat desa di Brebes
SA Muliana, A Hartono, AD Susila, S Sabiham
J. Hort. Indonesia 9 (1), 27-37, 2018
The effect of calcium silicate on the phosphorus sorption characteristics of Andisols Lembang West Java
A Hartono
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah Dan Lingkungan 10 (1), 14-19, 2008
Changes in phosphorus fractions on an acidic soil induced by phosphorus fertilizer, organic matter and lime
A Hartono, PLG Vlek, A Moawad, A Rachim
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 3 (2), 1-7, 2000
Quantitative relationship between organic carbon and geochemical properties in tropical surface and subsurface soils
K Ashida, T Watanabe, S Urayama, A Hartono, M Kilasara, AD Mvondo Ze, ...
Biogeochemistry 155 (1), 77-95, 2021
Phosphorus fractions of paddy soils in Java, Indonesia.
A Hartono, S Anwar, A Satwoko, K Koyama, T Omoto, A Nakao, J Yanai
Evaluasi dosis pemupukan rekomendasi kementerian pertanian untuk tanaman padi
A Hartono, M Firdaus, P Purwono, B Barus, M Aminah, DMP Simanihuruk
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 27 (2), 153-164, 2022
SUKARTININGSIH; KOSAKI, T. Acidification of tropical forest soils derived from serpentine and sedimentary rocks in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
K Fujii, A Hartono, S Funakawa, M Uemura
Geoderma 160 (3-4), 311-323, 2011
Dinamika pelepasan nitrogen empat jenis pupuk urea pada kondisi tanah tergenang
A Hartono, B Nugroho, D Nadalia, A Ramadhani
Jurnal Ilmu Tanah dan Lingkungan 23 (2), 66-71, 2021
Factors controlling sizes and stabilities of subsoil organic carbon pools in tropical volcanic soils
H Lyu, T Watanabe, R Zhong, M Kilasara, A Hartono, S Funakawa
Science of The Total Environment 769, 144842, 2021
Phenotypic plasticity of eddoe and dasheen taro genotypes in response to saturated water and dryland cultivations
CSR Hidayatullah, D Sopandie, A Hartono
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (10), 2020
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